March 2013

my mother says I should call employers daily for an interview

A reader writes: I am at my second semester of graduate school. In order to get an internship for next semester, I’ve been really working 24/7 for the past month. However, I still haven’t heard anything from employers yet and of course feel frustrated, as the deadline for join my school’s internship program is in […]

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what managers learn that workers don’t know

Have you ever noticed that often when people get promoted to management, their perspective on workplaces issues changes? It’s because as a manager, you see things that you might never have been exposed to as a regular employee, and you come to view workplace questions through a different lens than the one you used previously. […]

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my boss is dragging her feet on hiring my replacement

A reader writes: Earlier this week, I told my boss I would be leaving/moving to the state my fiance lives in at the end of our season in May. She knows we’re getting married, and I’m a terrible liar, so despite planning to wait until mid-April to tell her (in my field, 6 weeks or […]

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we’re winners!

Thanks to everyone in voted in the Bloggies — Ask a Manager won in the category of Best Topical Blog, which is awesome. (And which surely couldn’t have happened without posts like this and this. And this.)

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short answer Sunday — 6 short answers to 6 short questions

It’s short answer Sunday — six short answers to six short questions. Here we go… 1. Negotiating maternity leave and salary at the same time I am excited about a recent interview. However, if it results in a job offer, I am worried about asking for too much in negotiations. I am 7 months pregnant […]

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fast answer Friday — 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s fast answer Friday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. Could this GPA requirement be negotiable? I have read several of your postings about job requirements and how often a person does not need to be a 100% perfect fit. My fiancé is being transferred to another city and […]

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can I write to my wife’s boss and ask him to promote her?

A reader writes: Thank you very much for being a sounding board. My wife has been working at her current position for over five years in an A/R and HR capacity. However, she isn’t trained in this, and she has a master’s degree in an unrelated field that is actually the primary focus of the […]

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