is this internal feedback on job candidates unprofessional?

A reader writes: I’m new to owning the hiring process at my company. Sometimes when I send hiring managers candidates, they reply with comments that I don’t think are appropriate or professional like “Nope,” or “Meh.” Am I being sensitive or is this not okay? Even if it is unprofessional, should I just let it […]

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how to get hired when you’re just starting your career

Job searches are tough enough when you have experience, but when you’re just starting out, it’s especially hard to know where to start. How can you position yourself to get hired when you’re brand new to the workforce? 1. If your resume is sparse, think creatively about what experience you can include. While work experience is […]

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personality tests, gifts for managers, and more

It’s seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. My boss told my new boss that I’m only leaving for the money I’m starting my new job tomorrow. Today, my current boss forwarded me his response to my new boss’s reference inquiry, no doubt because it was glowing and I’m really grateful […]

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my boss is having a second person sit in on all our meetings

A reader writes: I’m wondering whether my discomfort about my boss having asked a second person to sit in on our meetings is warranted, i.e. whether this is a typical practice. We’ve been sorting out some bumpy communications issues, where I have strongly felt that “Supervisor 1” was not hearing my questions, treated my comments […]

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do I have to be perfect to get a job?

This post was originally published on February 24, 2011. A reader writes: I have not worked full time in over a year and a half and have been unemployed for two months, when my seasonal job came to an end. I have not been able to find a job and am starting to think there […]

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a possible coworker turned out to be my date’s wife

A reader writes: I’ve been reading your blog for a few years, and this is undoubtedly the weirdest situation I have ever been in professionally and I have absolutely no idea what to do about it. I ballroom dance as a hobby. Recently, a gentleman began showing up to my dance classes and started flirting […]

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