my new coworker is rude to clients, my company won’t give me my personal laptop back, and more by Alison Green on January 3, 2014 It’s five short answers to five short questions. Here we go… 1. My new coworker is rude and hostile to clients I have a new coworker who sits behind me and who I have only known for a month. She is super nice to me, but lately I have noticed her having outbursts over the […] Read the full article →
my manager is incredibly irritating and I’m ready to snap by Alison Green on January 2, 2014 This post was originally published on September 12, 2007, just four months after I started Ask a Manager. A reader writes: I’m working at my first full-time job, and I’ve been here for just over a year. The company is pretty small, only about 20 people, but still much larger than my last job where […] Read the full article →
how to find a mentor at work by Alison Green on January 2, 2014 You’ve probably read plenty of advice telling you to find a mentor – someone who can advise you on career decisions, help you navigate tricky politics, and generally help you succeed professionally. But how are you supposed to find this magical mentor? While you might have access to a formal mentoring program, or be courageous […] Read the full article →
my reference stole a job from me, applying for a promotion after tardiness troubles, and more by Alison Green on January 2, 2014 It’s five short answers to five short questions. Here we go… 1. My reference applied for the job I wanted, after I told her about it I have been using three references regularly for the past couple years in my job search. One in particular I have known the longest. I worked with her for […] Read the full article →
4 more reader updates by Alison Green on January 1, 2014 Four more reader updates: 1. The reader whose new boss was worried she might be too high-energy (#2 at the link) I was lucky enough to have you answer one of my questions in late 2012, after I had just accepted a new job. Thanks very much to you and your readers for your advice – […] Read the full article →
update from the reader managing a lying sister-in-law by Alison Green on January 1, 2014 Remember the reader who was stuck managing her sister-in-law, who was planning to call in sick in order to go on a trip (#1 at the link)? Here’s the update. So here’s how things have been going supervising my sister-in-law. The day in question rolled around and, much to my relief, she showed up to […] Read the full article →
confession: I used to suck at firing people by Alison Green on January 1, 2014 This post was originally published on March 21, 2008. I’ve written in the past about how firings should be done — and believe me when I tell you that that’s learned from hard experience. Hard, awful experience. In fact, one of the first times I had to fire someone, I really messed it up — largely because […] Read the full article →