how much money do you make? by Alison Green on January 29, 2014 That’s a pretty crass headline, isn’t it? Which is exactly the point. People don’t like to be asked what they make, and so it’s hard to find real-world information about what jobs pay, tailored to a particular industry and geographic level. Online salary websites are often inaccurate, probably because they generally don’t account for the […] Read the full article →
leaving a job off your resume, greeting coworkers by name, and more by Alison Green on January 29, 2014 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Can you really leave a job off of your resume? In one of your postings, you mentioned that it is okay to leave jobs off your resume if they aren’t relevant to the position to which you are applying. Does this mean it is okay […] Read the full article →
how far in advance can you request time off? by Alison Green on January 28, 2014 A reader writes: I know it’s awkward to request time off too late (since it may be hard to find cover, etc). But what’s the etiquette about making leave bookings ages in advance (like a year in advance)? I like booking as far ahead as possible (to get the best deals on flights, miles, etc.), […] Read the full article →
what to do when your manager is a bottleneck by Alison Green on January 28, 2014 Does this sound familiar? Your manager needs to sign off on a proposal before it can be sent to the client, but it’s sitting and sitting in her inbox, while the client grows ever-more antsy. You need your boss’s input before you can move forward with a new project, but she hasn’t gotten back to […] Read the full article →
pre-employment testing for software developers by Alison Green on January 28, 2014 And now a break to talk about a sponsor… If you’ve hired people before, you know the terrible feeling of realizing after just a few weeks with a new hire that she’s not going to cut it. But while hiring will never be an exact science, there is a way to minimize hiring mistakes: having […] Read the full article →
I don’t want to spend a week in a remote cabin with coworkers while I’m pregnant by Alison Green on January 28, 2014 A reader writes: We’re working on a product redesign and as part of the process, it’s been suggested that the team goes offsite for a week to bang out the details. “Offsite” meaning the entire team (co-ed) going to stay in some remote cabin in the mountains, retreat style, where we have to share bedrooms […] Read the full article →
my manager has crippling anxiety, putting modeling on a resume, and more by Alison Green on January 28, 2014 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My manager has crippling anxiety I am a paralegal, and the attorney I directly report to has an anxiety disorder. If a stressful situation arises (which, being an attorney, is every day), he freezes and cannot think of anything. For example, an expert’s office moved […] Read the full article →
I’m caught between two companies and a staffing agency by Alison Green on January 27, 2014 A reader writes: I am in a rather difficult job situation, as as a current grad student who is only just starting her career, I am not in a position to say no to opportunities. I am an associate at a staffing agency, and a year ago, they placed me for an assignment with a […] Read the full article →
keep your flu out of the office by Alison Green on January 27, 2014 We’re now in the season of coughing and sneezing coworkers, and in offices around the country, people are irately wondering why their contagious coworkers chose to come in to work and risk infecting other people. If you have a cold or flu this winter, give some thought to your colleagues, and make sure that you’re […] Read the full article →
when your boss wants to inspect your house before letting you work from home by Alison Green on January 27, 2014 A reader writes: My husband has been a loyal employee for over 5 years. He has been requesting to telework 1 day a week for over a year. His office policies as a whole encourage employees to work from home. However, his recently promoted supervisor refuses to grant him this opportunity and most recently made […] Read the full article →