January 2014

my coworker told a customer I didn’t want to do part of my job, I haven’t received my legally mandated backpay, and more

It’s five short answers to five short questions. Here we go… 1. Applying for a job with a company that shares office space with my current employer I currently work for a company where we share an office/floor with another company that is one of our clients. I was recently asked by the other company’s […]

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my coworker wants me to have a sleepover with her

A reader writes: Do you have any advice on how to decline a social invitation from a coworker when they insist that you pick the date? I recently was caught off guard by a coworker who invited me to a sleepover. (I am cringing just typing this – for context, we are both female and […]

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don’t make these 8 mistakes when negotiating salary

Unless you’re different than 99.3% of the population, you love getting a job offer but hate negotiating salary. The process is fraught with worries that you’ll ask for a number that’s too low or too high, that the employer will try to lowball you in their offer, or that you won’t even know how to evaluate […]

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3 work mistakes you don’t realize you’re making

Some mistakes are easy to recognize – after all, you usually know if you flubbed a presentation or upset a client. But others fly beneath the radar, and those are often more dangerous, since you don’t know that something is going wrong. Here are three bad mistakes you might be making at work without being […]

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workplace wellness programs aren’t so effective — surprise!

A new study has found that employer wellness programs — workplace programs that encourage employees to lose weight, manage their stress better, or make other lifestyle changes, with the aim of saving employers money on health care costs — resulted in no net savings at all. Here’s an excerpt from the New York Times about […]

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