how much money do you make, part 2 by Alison Green on February 7, 2014 When I asked people last week to anonymously share how much money they make, I had no idea that we’d get nearly 2,000 responses. A lot of people suggested putting the data in a spreadsheet or other format that would allow us to group it by categories or otherwise make it more useful. This is […] Read the full article →
open thread by Alison Green on February 7, 2014 It’s the weekly Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet, but this is a chance to talk to other readers. Read the full article →
my HR rep used offensive language, should teachers go to nightclubs, and more by Alison Green on February 7, 2014 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. How should I tell an employee that she’s talking too much and needs to get back to work? One of my employees talks too much and it affects her productivity. Her coworkers are able to talk a little bit, but are still able to meet […] Read the full article →
my coworker is getting the credit for my work by Alison Green on February 6, 2014 A reader writes: I work for a medium sized company on a very small team. For all intents and purposes, it is just me and my colleague, “Joe.” Joe and I both started at the same time and work on the same types of projects. The similarities end there, as Joe is the type to […] Read the full article →
how can I manage my team in the aftermath of layoffs? by Alison Green on February 6, 2014 A reader writes: In the last month, my team has been reorganized and cut by 25%, as part of overall company layoffs. My staff members are, understandably, freaking out and wondering if more cuts are coming. It’s more important than ever that we keep productivity up, but how do I ensure that we keep work […] Read the full article →
my boss seems annoyed when I stay home every time it snows by Alison Green on February 6, 2014 A reader writes: There have been days when it is snowing when or shortly after I wake up. The weather forecast predicts the snow will continue all day and they have been accurate. So I call in or email to let the boss know I am staying home. I am salaried, so I say I’ll […] Read the full article →
employer offered me a job but said I offended half the team, my boss is overruling HR, and more by Alison Green on February 6, 2014 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Employer offered me a job, but said I rubbed half the team the wrong way I was recently told by email that I would be receiving a verbal offer, followed by a written offer. During the verbal offer call, the hiring manager volunteered interview feedback […] Read the full article →
my parents say I should offer to work for free for a week to prove myself to employers by Alison Green on February 5, 2014 A reader writes: I’ve read your posts about working for free (unintentionally) as part of the hiring process as a form of “spec” work for technical jobs, but I think I have a different question to ask in the same neighborhood. I’m being “advised” by my parents that “five times as many candidates as job […] Read the full article →
12 ways to get the most out of attending a conference by Alison Green on February 5, 2014 Attending work-related conferences can be useful or useless, depending on how you approach them. Approach them right and you can pick up new skills, learn about trends in your field, and make valuable networking contacts. Approach them wrong and they can end up merely being long, boring days away from home. Here are 12 tips […] Read the full article →
how to rewrite your resume to focus on accomplishments, not just job duties by Alison Green on February 5, 2014 If you’re like most people, your resume lists what you were responsible for at each job you held, but doesn’t explain what you actually achieved there. Rewriting it to focus on accomplishments will make it way more effective (i.e., “increased email subscribers by 20% in six months” instead of “managed email list”), because that explains […] Read the full article →