February 2014

how much money do you make, part 2

When I asked people last week to anonymously share how much money they make, I had no idea that we’d get nearly 2,000 responses. A lot of people suggested putting the data in a spreadsheet or other format that would allow us to group it by categories or otherwise make it more useful. This is […]

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open thread

It’s the weekly Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet, but this is a chance to talk to other readers.

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my coworker is getting the credit for my work

A reader writes: I work for a medium sized company on a very small team. For all intents and purposes, it is just me and my colleague, “Joe.” Joe and I both started at the same time and work on the same types of projects. The similarities end there, as Joe is the type to […]

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how can I manage my team in the aftermath of layoffs?

A reader writes: In the last month, my team has been reorganized and cut by 25%, as part of overall company layoffs. My staff members are, understandably, freaking out and wondering if more cuts are coming. It’s more important than ever that we keep productivity up, but how do I ensure that we keep work […]

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12 ways to get the most out of attending a conference

Attending work-related conferences can be useful or useless, depending on how you approach them. Approach them right and you can pick up new skills, learn about trends in your field, and make valuable networking contacts. Approach them wrong and they can end up merely being long, boring days away from home. Here are 12 tips […]

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