February 2014

how many interviews do employers conduct for one position, should I warn my boss before I shave my head, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. How many interviews do employers conduct for one position? I had an interview this morning, and towards the end, when we were going over the hiring timeline, the interviewer mentioned that they had to reschedule a bunch of interviews yesterday because of the weather and […]

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should you ever negotiate salary through email?

A reader writes: I am in the midst of negotiating salary for a new position. My sister recently completed a salary negotiation through email, and suggested I do the same. We are in slightly different situations, as she accepted an offer from an academic institution and my potential employer is a private sector company. What […]

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5 hiring regrets to avoid before you make a job offer

If you’ve hired more than a handful of people, you probably know that terrible sinking feeling when you start to realize that your new hire might not be the right person for the job. The costs of making the wrong hire are big ones; you’ll generally end up spending large amounts of time and energy […]

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our time off is being rescinded — Hunger Games style

A reader writes: I work in an office with three coworkers in my department and a manager. We have a satellite office where I work every Wednesday. Six months ago, I requested my vacation for a particular week, which was granted. Three months ago, one coworker (Carly) requested the Wednesday and Thursday the same week […]

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how to reach out to a coworker who was fired

A reader writes: What is the appropriate etiquette for reaching out to a colleague who was unexpectedly fired? A manager I used to work under was recently let go from our organization. We weren’t “friends,” but this manager served as a mentor for me and we had a great professional relationship. I’d love to reach […]

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6 small resume changes that will have a big impact

If you’re sending out resumes and not getting many calls to interview, there’s a good chance that your resume is the problem. If you’re like most people, your resume could use some work – and like most people, you’re probably not sure where to start. But you probably don’t need to start from scratch. You […]

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