March 2014

what process or problem has yet to be solved at your office?

We can video-chat with people on other continents, store things in the cloud, and automate processes that used to take a whole team of workers to get done, but we still haven’t found a way keep the damn office fridge clean. Or found a conference call technology that doesn’t result in calls like this. Or figured […]

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7 questions to ask yourself before asking for a raise

Thinking about asking for a raise? Before you do, make sure that you’ve positioned yourself as strongly as possible for a yes, by asking yourself these seven questions. 1. How long have I been in this job? Typically you should be in a job for one year before you ask for a raise. Exceptions to […]

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my boss is obsessed with treating me like a millennial

A reader writes: My boss seems to be hung up on the idea of me being a “millennial.” A few months ago my boss, who is in her upper 50’s, told me she purchased a few books about “millennials” so she could understand how I think and communicate. We’re an office of three and I’m […]

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I’m angry and insulted that my coworkers did my job for me

This was originally published on October 13, 2010. A reader writes: I was sent on a business trip overseas for 3 weeks, with 5 people from 5 different departments. Because of some business complications, the timeline for what we needed to do there was super tight. While I understand that and understand that everyone works […]

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open thread

It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet, but this is a chance to talk to other readers.

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update: how can I convince my boss I don’t speak Spanish?

Remember the letter-writer who was being asked to serve as a Spanish translator for clients, despite not speaking fluent Spanish (#3 at the link)? Here’s her update. I am the OP who wrote to you a few months ago about being asked to work with a client who speaks Spanish—when I’m nowhere close to fluent. […]

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