why do I have to submit an application when I’m already providing my resume? by Alison Green on April 30, 2014 A reader writes: Many jobs require an online application in addition to a resume. I’m struggling to understand the difference, if there is any, in the type of information being solicited, especially in the Experience section. For example, online applications often ask for the duties associated with each former position. Do they actually want a […] Read the full article →
an employee added the F-word to a client form by Alison Green on April 30, 2014 A reader writes: I manage an office of about 20 employees. We routinely give paperwork to clients, and somehow one of the forms was modified to include something very unprofessional. A form of the f-word was added to the first line, to read “you are scheduled for this fuken procedure.” There is no way for […] Read the full article →
my coworker won’t stop talking to me by Alison Green on April 30, 2014 Ever had a coworker who just won’t stop talking to you while you’re trying to work? She pops by to ask you a work-related question but is still there 20 minutes later, talking about her weekend. Or you’re on deadline and she keeps interrupting you to gripe about the IT guy. Whatever the specifics, a […] Read the full article →
my manager is venting about work on Facebook, asking for outside feedback on my work, and more by Alison Green on April 30, 2014 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My manager is venting about work and staff members on Facebook I’ve recently been struggling with the relationship I have with my boss. She originally started out as a coworker and we had a great working relationship. She friend-requested me on Facebook and I accepted. […] Read the full article →
my new coworker is pushing huge amounts of junk food on me by Alison Green on April 29, 2014 A reader writes: I feel really conflicted about asking this. It’s really a question of workplace etiquette, I suppose. Our company recently hired a very sweet gal who is acutely obese. At the same time, a few coworkers and I have been working really hard to support each other in adopting healthier eating habits. I […] Read the full article →
how to find the time you need to get your work done by Alison Green on April 29, 2014 If you feel like there’s never enough time in the day to get everything on your to-do list done and you’re regularly plagued by the sense that important items are going undone, you probably need to change the way you’re thinking about how you spend your time. If you feel like there’s never enough time […] Read the full article →
I was asked to work more slowly so others don’t look bad, the purpose of a mentor, and more by Alison Green on April 29, 2014 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. I was asked to work more slowly so other people don’t look bad I work in an editorial position for a major healthcare organization. I’ve been here about six months, I’ve gotten great feedback from my boss and coworkers, and I’m really enjoying being here. […] Read the full article →
I sent chocolate to a hiring manager but haven’t heard back by Alison Green on April 28, 2014 A reader writes: I have applied for a job I would love to have. In attempts to stand out to the hiring manager, I sent my resume in with two bars of chocolate, a dark chocolate and a milk chocolate. I had read a Forbes article on creative ways to get a job interview, and […] Read the full article →
what your internship manager wishes you knew by Alison Green on April 28, 2014 College extracurricular activities and getting good grades are important, but one of the most important things that employers want to see on recent graduates’ resumes is work experience – which for most new grads often means internships. But simply doing an internship or two isn’t enough; you also need to impress while you’re there – and how […] Read the full article →
my coworkers’ wives don’t want them to work with a woman, my manager won’t let me say goodbye to my clients, and more by Alison Green on April 28, 2014 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. I’m resigning, and my manager won’t let me say goodbye to my clients My last day at my job was yesterday, but in the days before I left, something kind of bothered me. I figured it would be common courtesy to email my clients letting […] Read the full article →