April 2014

can you be a good manager if you’re shy?

This was originally published on August 24, 2010. A reader writes: I’m shy. Sometimes people misinterpret this as aloofness or snobbery. Being outgoing and making friends with everyone I meet has never been a part of my personality. I just have a hard time making casual conversation (which is necessary for good relationships with coworkers), […]

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open thread – April 18, 2014

It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet, but this is a chance to talk to other readers.

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what to do when you disagree with your manager’s feedback

You sit down with your manager to discuss your work performance – and end up fundamentally disagreeing with her feedback to you. How can you respond and state your case without seeming argumentative or even insubordinate? Here are four key steps to responding to feedback that you disagree with. 1. Ask for more information. Ask clarifying […]

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the winner of the hiring advice contest is…

In response to this week’s call to share what you wish you knew before you started hiring people (or what you wish hiring managers knew), you all created a huge compendium of fantastic, real-world hiring advice. It’s a seriously amazing resource that anyone who wants to be better at hiring should read through. I had […]

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8 workplace dilemmas you might face — and how to overcome them

We hear a lot of bizarre workplace stories here – from the boss who kept stealing people’s lunches to the receptionist who wouldn’t stop hugging people. But these are outliers; chances are good that you’re going to go your whole career without encountering them. What you almost certainly will encounter are the more typical obstacles […]

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now managers are calling millennials’ parents

Harvard Business Review is claiming that some companies are now calling their millennial employees’ parents to report on their job performance … and that their employees actually like this, rather than telling their companies to back the hell out of their personal lives. I … am just going to refuse to believe this is true. […]

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update: how can I tell my coworkers their Halloween costumes are racist?

Remember the letter-writer wondering about how to talk to coworkers who were planning Halloween costumes that included blackface and other racist tropes? (You probably do, because it was the most commented-on post of last year.) Here’s her update. I read through everyone’s advice and decided to speak to the office manager about my concerns and […]

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