April 2014

I’m still emotional after a bad performance review

This was originally published on August 15, 2009. A reader writes: Some background: I am in my mid-twenties and I work as an assistant for a small, nationally renowned non-profit. I love a lot about my job: I get to research topics I love, and I get to apply skills that satisfy me. I have […]

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me, talking about how to manage

Holly Worton recently interviewed me for her Socially Holistic podcast. We talked about what good management is, how to move into a management role, why it’s important to have difficult conversations, and much more — including how I started Ask a Manager, how I started working for myself, and how Ask a Manager has helped […]

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open thread – April 11, 2014

It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet, but this is a chance to talk to other readers.

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update: how can I back out of a mentoring relationship?

Remember the reader wondering about how to back out of a mentoring relationship that was more like intensive remedial coaching? Here’s the update. I’m truly grateful for your help and that of the readers. The blog and your advice provide a tremendous opportunity to both try on others’ shoes and step out of my own, if […]

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am I overstepping when I try to be emotionally intelligent?

A reader writes: Is it inappropriate to leverage emotional intelligence in the workplace? I am a part of a team that is tasked with changing the way my company approaches analytics. As such, we are often in the position of reworking old ways of measuring effectiveness and proposing new perspectives and KPIs. Sometimes people are […]

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5 abuses of email that will destroy your productivity

I adore email. I can barely remember life before it. It lets me manage information more efficiently, field requests at the times most convenient for me, and store records of important details and decisions. But email is also ripe for the kind of abuses that can harm your productivity instead of helping it. Here are […]

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