April 2014

5 dangers in working for a bad boss

Bad managers come in all shapes and sizes – some are jerks, some are passive pushovers, some can’t delegate or give feedback or set clear expectations, and some are simply incompetent. And if you work for one of these bosses, you probably try to minimize the impact of these flaws on your own work – […]

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update: does the admin in my new office have boundary issues?

Remember the reader whose new administrative assistant after a merger was generally amazing at her job but was rearranging people’s offices and being a bit heavy-handed in sending out company-wide emails?  Here’s an update. The admin and I are both still here. The bulk of the problems have subsided. What I’ve learned is that where […]

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ask the readers: urging an employee to dress more formally … to help her advance, not because she’s outside the dress code

I’m throwing this one out to readers to weigh in on. A reader writes: One of my direct reports is interested in eventually moving into management roles with more responsibility, and we have set development goals so she has a path to work toward that aspiration. I have a great relationship with her, I believe […]

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update: my coworker is having a phantom pregnancy

Remember the letter from the reader whose coworker was having a phantom pregnancy? Here an update. When we returned to work, she did say that it was menopause. As she had only told a couple of us that she had thought she was pregnant, it didn’t go any further and there was no gossip. From […]

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can my boss really do that?

If you’ve ever witnessed your boss doing something that seems unfair to you or a coworker, you might have wondered, “Can they really do that?” They don’t teach workplace law in school, and so collectively, Americans tend to have a lack of understanding about what employers can and can’t do where employees are concerned. Here […]

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