ask the readers: how to move from white-collar work to blue-collar work by Alison Green on August 20, 2014 Here’s a question that I don’t know the answer to, but which I’m hoping readers might have good advice on. A reader writes: I was recently laid off from working as a bookkeeper. While looking for another job, I’ve started to think that while I am good at it, office work isn’t really what I […] Read the full article →
my coworker wants me to goof off so she doesn’t look bad, peanut allergies when interviewing, and more by Alison Green on August 20, 2014 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My coworker wants me to goof off so she doesn’t look bad I just started a new job about a month ago. It’s a job that requires both speed and accuracy, and I came in with a lot of experience, so I’m doing well so […] Read the full article →
when a job ad says a skill you don’t have is “a plus” by Alison Green on August 19, 2014 A reader writes: In preparing for an interview, I have been reviewing the job posting and one phrase has me a bit flustered. The posting mentions (twice, in fact) that a certain skill set is “a plus.” I have very little experience in this area and would not say it is a skill set I […] Read the full article →
when your former peer becomes your manager by Alison Green on August 19, 2014 One day you’re working happily together as coworkers, and the next day your peer has been promoted and is now your manager. How do you adjust to the change? When a peer becomes your manager, the relationship needs to change. Here’s what you can do on your side to keep awkwardness to a minimum and […] Read the full article →
I think my manager tampered with my drinking water by Alison Green on August 19, 2014 A reader writes: I have a passive-aggressive supervisor. Today she was friendlier than normal, which happens when she’s getting one over on you; you know it’s coming. Well, I figured out what it was late that morning. I think she tampered with my drink at work. I left an opened bottle of water in the […] Read the full article →
job applicants bearing gifts, turning down a LinkedIn recommendation request, and more by Alison Green on August 19, 2014 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Job candidate who bear gifts and quote MC Hammer I am hiring for an entry-level assistant position in my department. One applicant has dropped by the office twice now. The first time she left a small scented candle with a note thanking me in advance […] Read the full article →
my coworker exploded when I let our boss know about his major mistake by Alison Green on August 18, 2014 A reader writes: I supervise Team A, and we work closely with Team B. We have a lot of interaction and my team is dependent on Team B completing their work promptly and accurately. Team B reports directly to my manager, Teresa. Team B has an employee, Chris, who joined the company a few months […] Read the full article →
8 things you can’t do when you’re new to the job – but they’ll be okay to do later by Alison Green on August 18, 2014 When you’re new to a job, you’re subject to a whole different set of rules than you are once you’ve been there longer. Because your new coworkers don’t know you well yet, small behaviors can carry more weight, and actions that might go unnoticed six months down the road can raise concerns early on about […] Read the full article →
I snapped at my boss, is it okay to use color on a resume, and more by Alison Green on August 18, 2014 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Is it okay to use color on a resume? I just started creating my resume using a template from a friend. My wife was looking over my shoulder and said you never use color of any kind on a resume. I really see nothing wrong with […] Read the full article →
Sunday free-for-all – August 17, 2014 by Alison Green on August 17, 2014 It’s the Sunday free-for-all. This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. Have at it. Read the full article →