August 2014

employees who take double lunches, nicknames on resumes, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. When we have lunch events, an employee wants to take a second, personal lunch break afterwards Is an exempt employee entitled to an additional hour of “personal” lunch time if they participate in a company-hosted function such as a picnic or other celebration? These events […]

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open thread – August 15, 2014

It’s the Friday open thread. This post is for work-related discussions only. Please hold anything off topic for the free-for-all open thread that’s coming this Sunday. The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything work-related that you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, […]

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how to gain your manager’s trust

How much does your boss trust you? Does she take you at your word, value your opinion, and have faith in your work quality? Or have you noticed that she’s more likely to be skeptical that you’re doing what you’ve agreed to or that your conclusions are the right ones? If the latter, you might […]

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my boss is frequently absent and neglects his work

A reader writes: I’ve been having an ongoing issue with one of my managers that I was hoping you might have some advice for dealing with. I work full-time in a split position, and half of my job reports to a manager, “Bill,” who is the direct supervisor for my entire department (including my boss […]

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looking professional after working out at lunch

A reader writes: I work out during my lunch break (we have a fitness room and full locker rooms on-site) and have a question about professionalism. Normally I work out, throw on some fresh deodorant, brush my hair, change, and go back to my desk. Recently I’ve been running outside and have gotten considerably sweatier […]

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my new staff resents me — what do I do?

A reader writes: I recently started a new job where I manage a department of five people. One person on my team applied for my role but didn’t get it — and I’m getting the sense that he and the rest of the team resent me for it. How do I smooth things over and […]

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