October 2014

Sunday free-for-all – October 12, 2014

It’s the weekend free-for-all. This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. (This one is truly non-work only; if you have a work question, you can email it to me or post it in the work-related open thread on Fridays.) Have at it.

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a client paid half my fee and then disappeared before giving me any work

A reader writes: I occasionally offer consulting/advisory per my highly specialized knowledge for nonprofits. One particular one ended—well, not sure “ended” is the right word, exactly—in a most unusual way that I was at a loss to understand. I was asked to do, let’s say, international research on teapots among (and only among) a specific […]

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open thread – October 10, 2014

It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything work-related that you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet, but this is a chance to talk to other readers.

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