my job wants to use Facebook to monitor employees, demoralized by a coworker’s promotion, and more by Alison Green on November 26, 2014 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. I’m worried my employee will be demoralized by a coworker’s promotion I’m newly the manager of a very small group of three people. One of my first acts will be to promote someone in our group–let’s call her Sarah– who is overdue for recognition of […] Read the full article →
my coworker tried to pressure us into giving away our bonuses by Alison Green on November 25, 2014 A reader writes: I work at a community college and recently all staff and faculty received a small bonus for the holidays. Immediately, one of the long-time instructors donated her bonus to a needy student and challenged the entire staff to do the same. Very few did. I didn’t because my bonus came in handy […] Read the full article →
how to lead a project when you come in mid-stream by Alison Green on November 25, 2014 If you’re a new manager or team lead, you might find yourself charged with leading work that’s already well in progress. How do you jump in and learn what you need to know in order to effectively drive it forward? Here are three keys to successfully leading a project when you come in mid-stream. 1. […] Read the full article →
my staff are sending too many personal emails to each other during the day by Alison Green on November 25, 2014 A reader writes: I have a couple of employees who are using their time and company resources during work to communicate with each other and sending personal emails to one another during work hours. What is the best way to address this without alienating them? It seems to be ongoing throughout the day and is […] Read the full article →
HR rep insisted on reading my email, my manager has asked for brutally honest feedback, and more by Alison Green on November 25, 2014 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My HR rep demanded to read through my email Today, the HR rep for my main worksite (but not the rep responsible for my for my division) came into my office, told me she needed to check my email immediately, and asked me to log […] Read the full article →
where are you now? by Alison Green on November 24, 2014 Every December, I publish “where are they now” updates from people whose questions I answered here in the past year. It’s time for 2014’s version, so … If you’ve had your question answered here in the last year, please email me an update and let us know how your situation turned out. Leave no juicy […] Read the full article →
5 workplace trends to be thankful for by Alison Green on November 24, 2014 When you’re slogging through the daily grind of work or a job search, or when you’re dealing with a difficult boss or coworkers, it can be easy to forget what we should be thankful for at work. But there are some significant changes underway in the American workplace, and they’re offering workers real advantages that […] Read the full article →
company is banning alcohol at its holiday party, even if we buy it ourselves by Alison Green on November 24, 2014 A reader writes: My wife’s employer is hosting a Christmas party at a local Mexican restaurant where they will be paying for everyone’s meal. They announced yesterday that they forbid anyone to drink alcohol at this establishment, even if they purchase the beverages themselves. (The owners of the company are Mormons who do not drink, […] Read the full article →
my boss keeps touching my hand, the point of bonuses, and more by Alison Green on November 24, 2014 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My boss keeps touching my hand My boss will sometimes touch my arm or hand. Most of the time I think that he does it to get my attention, although lately he seems to be doing it more often. But that could just mean that […] Read the full article →
Sunday free-for-all – November 23, 2014 by Alison Green on November 23, 2014 It’s the weekend free-for-all. This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. (This one is truly non-work only; if you have a work question, you can email it to me or post it in the work-related open thread on Fridays.) Have at it. Read the full article →