Every December, I publish “where are they now” updates from people whose questions I answered here in the past year. It’s time for 2014’s version, so …
If you’ve had your question answered here in the last year, please email me an update and let us know how your situation turned out. Leave no juicy detail out! I’ll post updates as they come in. (Don’t post them here though; email them to me.)
And if there’s anyone you especially want to hear an update from, mention it here and I’ll reach out to those people directly.
The one who’s manager came to their house and beat on the windows – that one was baffling and I totally want to know what’s gone on since then.
That’s the first one I thought of!
There was an update to that one!
There was an update on that one: https://www.askamanager.org/2014/04/update-my-manager-showed-up-at-my-house-and-beat-on-the-doors-and-windows.html
My students had to do a presentation using one of the posts from here this morning and one of the groups picked this story. They asked if there’d been an update.
I thought that there had been one. Maybe I have it confused with something else.
There was – I posted the link above, waiting for it to come out of moderation.
I would love to hear an update about THIS! :) What do you teach? How do you use this blog in your classes?
Health careers courses and a sociology course. Several health careers courses are dual credit.
Sometimes I have them read articles and answer questions, today they had to look up an article and make a prézi that explained implications if advice wasn’t followed or no change occurred.
Pulls up a chair and grabs the popcorn.
*plops down next to Robin with some Milk Duds* This is gonna be good.
*Puts Milk Duds on my popcorn.*
*Pours milk over my Milk Duds and popcorn mixture and eats it with a spoon*
Ooo, that’s interesting.
Uh-huh :)
Grabs a seat and crosses fingers for lots of updates. Pass the popcorn please!
Plops on the sofa with a box of Raisinents.
Grabbed my Junior Mints!
HEY! Those are MY Junior Mints!
They’re very refreshing.
*grabs enough wine to go around … Unless that’s forbidden at this shindig*
Wine? I’m in!
Wine is permitted as long as we can also bring beer or a festive Bailey’s and coffee (which seems so much more professional for working hours). BTW, did you know their latest flavour is chocolate and cherry? Yumm
There is chocolate and cherry Baileys? This is something I must investigate!
Oh reallllllly……… there’s an excellent liquor store a block from my office.
I wonder if he delivers?
On a trip to San Juan, my wife found the world’s best Bailey’s alternative: Coquito. Bottled versions are hard to find, especially the chocolate variety we bought, but it’s really the world’s best drink if you’re in the mood for something way too sweet. It’s almost like an unspicy coconut eggnog.
Coquito is amazing. My best friend’s mom used to bring some back from Puerto Rico and only allowed us a sip after she confirmed with our parents. My bf’s father makes punch creme with Sunset and condensed milk. All you really need is a quarter of a glass, so rich and creamy and any more will knock you out hard. A lesson I learned the hard way the first time.
You had me at wine.
Well, I was gonna call dibs on the chocolate covered cookie dough balls, but if wine’s allowed I think I’ll have that instead :)
Pastry OR booze? Don’t make me choose! I’ll bring the rum balls :)
This is my favorite time of year for AAM – I LOVE these update posts!!!
Personally, I don’t drink. I’m high on life.
(and Junior Mints I swiped from Adonday. Mums da woid!)
Can I have your share of the wine then?
sure help yourself I gotta run though or adonday is gonna kick my ass bye …
Why, I oughta…
I loooove this online snacking! All of the pleasure and none of the consequences! (Currently reigniting my ongoing, private, personal Battle of the Bulge. Sigh. There’s a reason my stage of life gets called _middle_ age.)
So, anyway, I’m going to curl up with a small bowl of yogurt malted milk balls.
I want to hear from the person who had that insane interview with Operation smile, with the cooking for all those people at some guys house and ugh the performances. Just because I hope that OP now works somewhere non crazy :)
They did update! And I believe they are somewhere non-crazy. I just can’t remember the link.
Here’s the link!
Despite the OP update, I’d still like to hear from anyone in the Operation Smile camp or otherwise in the know. With the holidays approaching, are they planning another party catered by the applicants?
The person whose coworker went through the trash can! And the lady who was having trouble with her coworker who kept bringing junk food to the office where everyone was trying to eat healthy.
And also, the person who wanted their employees to go for out of town training but the employees said it would interfere with their social lives.
Yes! The trash can one!
I want to hear from them all.
Can’t wait!
The one with the bad boss who gossiped about her coworker getting help for her mental health.
That one had already updated –
Still dying to know what happened with the drunken boss, and hoping the poor coworker got a break.
I need to know what happened with the coworker with the neo-Nazi past!!
Yes yes yes!
Yes! Might be too soon for an update, but I’m dying to know how that turned out.
+1, I was genuinely worried about that one!
The OP did update a little in the comment section: Find “My Question”–there are about 7 comments from him. Kind of off-the-wall responses though…
Thanks for this note. I had stopped reading before the OP checked in. Very interesting.
My wife and I had a long discussion about that one….our opinions differed about whether it should be reported or not.
I can’t wait and hope you get many, many, many responses.
I just want to hear from people who seemed the more desperate/in a bad situation. I want to know they’re okay/safe/in a better place now.
I agree! The wild stories are fun to hear updates on, but the desperate stories really pull at my heartstrings and I’ll sleep better if we find out all is well.
Yes. +1 and thank you for reining in my sit-with-the-munchies-while-gossipping-about-other-people-being-crazy urges. (I of course am 110% perfect rationality and sanity 24/7/365. Ha.)
The one whose coworker wanted to be called “Rabbi” at work
Yup! Did they go to the wedding, or not? Wait, that’s a different post but I’d still like to hear the response.
Did we ever hear from the person whose coworker threatened to hex them all? Because I really loved that letter.
That’s 1 of my all time favorites. “Black magic is an occupational hazard”.
I’d love an update on this one.
I’d like to hear an update from the one who thought their employee might be lying about having damaged a company truck.
Oh my good golly gosh do I ever want to hear more about that one.
I’ve been wondering about the LW who was tailgated, and then yelled at in the parking lot, by her road-ragey coworker.
Oooh, yeah, I want an update on that one, too.
Me too! Although I’d guess and hope most likely the update was “Nothing else like that happened again and I’ve neither seen nor heard from the guy since.”
Yes, me too! I’m just posting the link because I had it all ready to paste anyway.
The employee who was afraid of balloons!
Oh, yes. I know it’s a real thing and difficult for the person, but Wicked Jazzy Red laughed her head off (which is now a balloon, floating around somewhere).
Oh! The person who was being asked/forced to reimburse their company for quitting! https://www.askamanager.org/2014/06/my-employer-wants-me-to-repay-business-expenses-because-im-resigning.html
I’d like to hear an update from the October LW who was wondering how to deal with a disgruntled, negative coworker: https://www.askamanager.org/2014/10/how-to-get-along-with-a-disgruntled-coworker-who-dislikes-our-boss.html
I’d like to hear back from the Nerf Battle and the one whose boss told them they couldn’t floss at work
Yes please!
Oh, good ones!
Yes me too! And if the LW did erect walls made of cardboard boxes, please ask her to include photos. :-)
Flossing for sure
The “Hunger Games” vacation battle employee. She updated to say the situation was handled by their medical director, but I wonder if the manager still has a job.
Oh, yes, that one!
That one updated:
Proof of intelligent life on planet Earth! (Experts were beginning to worry …)
Yes, this is a good update but I am also curious about this from a relationship perspective. Does the manager still work there? Has there been retaliation as a result of the OP and her peers going around the boss? Another update to address the residual issues would also be cool.
Exactly. I remember the update but am greedy enough to want ANOTHER update.
Darn it, I know there was some interesting stories, but I can’t think of ones I want to hear an update on! I’m sure seeing suggestions and/or the actual updates will refresh my memory though. Looking forward to them all!
Off the top of my head, I always wondered about the Halloween situation from the letter writer who said people kept doing racist costumes all the way up to someone showing up in blackface the year before. They were wondering if there was a way to say anything about it, and I really wanna know if they did and what the result was.
That said, it seems like all the really outlandish ones always have the followup of “I decided to let it go and I just got a new job instead of stay in that environment.” Which is good, really, but then I’m still wondering what would have happened if they had said something.
Update here:
Oh man, I think I read that update at the time and then totally forgot about it. At least it’s a good update.
I would like to hear an update of the person who’s boss wanted her to marry a stranger for a work permit/green card. Still baffled by it.
YES. This one!
That’s what I was thinking! That was insane!
YES! I need so much more about this one.
Vote yes on this one too!
The workplace being kept kosher for Passover was another one, although I should go look, that might have been one where the update was in the original comment thread.
Oh yeaaah I forgot about that one! I would definitely like to hear how that went… Though I must have missed the in-comments update because I don’t think I remember that.
It might not have been an update…I think the OP did pop in to clarify and give further details.
Y’all, I am thankful for this post because your comments are reminding me of all the good stuff I read on this blog over the past year.
Our dear AAM answered my post (linked to my handle).
Not the juiciest post of the year, but a weird outcome. For better or worse, I wound up calling the contract firm where he works and where I have a contact to say something (figuring they could coach him, since they have a vested interest in him, and they wouldn’t proceed with any disciplinary action). The Touchee didn’t want any conflict and called the my contact at the contract firm, even though my contact understood that I was trying to help out the situation, though in hindsight I should have just let things be, I suppose. Well, Touchee winds up getting fired 2 months later for performance. (This was after her trying to get me and Chumley to help her out on a project–her typical thing–though we were told not to. But Chumley took some initial work I had done, stated it wasn’t working and, totally turned it around to try to make it look like it was my fault while buying Touchee some time, but the end result was a disaster (as we all kind of expected it would be, since this person did absolutely no work on it until the last minute, and by then it was a mess). This resulted in me having to pick up the pieces and quickly make things better. Luckily, others knew exactly what was going on, and no one was being fooled. So, Chumley decides to apply for Touchee’s old position, then reneges part way through the interview process, since I suppose things were not going to be on his terms–or so he says. (Although he has been contracting here nearly 2 years and should, by now, know the players, work culture, etc.) But, he’s still able to pull through and look good, I think. I’ll be bold by saying, I think guys have an edge when it comes to not-so-tactful behavior.
Sorry, didn’t follow directions. :(
The person who “played a prank” on his coworker by locking him on the balcony before an event with customers, didn’t know how he got back into the room and was surprised that his coworker threatened him.
Whaaaaaat. I want to read that post.
Totally forgot about this one. Yes, definitely want to hear what happened
Yes! This one too.
The person whose coworker was arrested for possessing child pornography and was returning to work. https://www.askamanager.org/2014/07/my-coworker-was-arrested-for-a-horrifying-crime-and-is-returning-to-work.html
This was before I started reading AAM – I just read it and yes, I’m very curious about how this one turned out.
Not to pick nits, but the original article says the person was charged with “making and distributing”, not “possessing”. Which is a big part of why I’m curious, because – there’s gotta be a story behind why they got hit with that specific charge. Depending on the wording of the statute, that could cover a really wide range of things from “head of a criminal child pornography syndicate” to “accidentally sending a cute pic of the kids taking a bath to someone who isn’t grandma”. I don’t know.
Oh, shoot, that’s the one I was trying to find during that recent post about the neo-Nazi. A few commenters were like zomg people, you’re giving a Nazi the benefit of the doubt?! and I was thinking, um, a whole bunch of people wanted to give a child pornographer the benefit of the doubt because But Professionalism and Until Proven Guilty etc. Meh, just as well that I didn’t find it. Contrarians by definition aren’t big on seeing patterns.
Not to start up that debate again, but people wanted to give an *alleged* child pornographer the benefit of the doubt in a workplace that doesn’t involve children. There have been enough innocent people convicted in this country that giving someone who has actually been convicted is sometimes called for, so giving the benefit to someone who hasn’t been convicted isn’t crazy.
How about the one where two of the OP’s employees claimed the third didn’t do any work whenever the boss wasn’t around?
Oooh, this one!
What about the one where the pregnant woman was first asked to go to a retreat in the woods at a resort – and was then excluded from the retreat when she raised the concern?
I really want an update on this one, too!
The Ask The Readers one about how parenthood changes work habits.
I’d like to know more about the person whose recruiter was invoicing them because they’d turned down a job offer. Mostly because if someone is going to say “Nuh-uh” to an overreacher, I always want front-row seats.
Was there an update on the out-of-control museum volunteer?
oh, I sooo want to hear about this one!
YES, this one!
Me three! I missed it when it happened, just read it now. I’ve known people like “Steve”.
That was one that I had unfortunately skimmed over and didn’t see how crazy it was! Hope there’s an update.
I’ve wondered about this one!!
I’d love to know what happened with this one as well, especially since I’m newly coordinating volunteers ( although, things are pretty functional, a few issues, but no Steves).
Toilet water? Or was there already an update?
Yessss I was just thinking this! I want to know what happened there!
Oooh, oooh! The CEO and the company logo on the butt!
YES! How did that “please, no” conversation turn out?
The manager who wanted to approve their employees’ underwear? The guy who made his caller ID display as OP’s mother so she’d take his call?
seconding the approving of the employees underwear one that’s another one where I hope they got out of there
Yes on both! I printed out the underwear one and shared it around at work.
I can’t believe how many of these I’d forgotten about.
The person that wanted to quit and keep the company truck to punish them.
Yes ! This was the letter that brought me to AMM!
I can’t type: Ask A Manager AAM.
I always wondered if that was the same guy who had the offensive sticker on his truck, but that was from even longer ago…
There was also the guy who wanted to keep being sarcastic in the office even when his boss had told him to stop. All of these were from years past, I think.
I decided to check about the sarcasm one….turned out the OP checked in later in the thread and gave more info [a lot of the behavior was a reaction to some really poor treatment by the manager], and decided that yes, it would be best to dial it down.
I need to start checking back on some of these a while later…I totally missed the replies from the OP on the Nazi thread earlier this week.
How about the one where the normal-sized management consultant in Pennsylvania was pressured to look “thin and edgy”?
Ooh, yeah, this one.
Please that one!
Ooh, I want to hear an update about the poster who accepted her boss’ friend request on facebook and didn’t quite understand fb group settings and added her boss to a group of ‘people I don’t really like’ or something like that. I was mortified for her.
That actually wasn’t a post of its own; it was a comment from awesome commenter C Average. Her update is here:
… and a later one here:
Oh ok thanks!
How about the one with the boss who refused to acknowledge OP worked there when anyone called?
Was there ever an update on this one ? My Employee is acting like a manager even though I’ve told him to stop:
I’d love to know how it turned out
I’d like to hear about some of the job searchers who wanted a LOT of accomodations – like no-scent workplaces, or work from home 15 minutes a day (OK that is exaggerated) – did they find an ideal job, a compromise job, or a stepping-stone job, or how are they dealing with their limitations after gettting your advice?
Agreed. I’d like to hear from the people that wrote in with job search questions-cover letter/resume questions. Did they find new jobs?
I’m really interested in hearing about the one who’s coworker went through everyone’s mail, opene dup their paystubs and announced how much everyone made. For some reason that stuck out to me.
I’d forgotten about that one ! That still gives me the creeps !
It’s from a few years ago now (2012?) but the trio of “your workplace sucks and isn’t going to change” post really stuck with me–I would love to know, did they take your advice, or did they stick it out (and what was the outcome?)
This is from a while back, but I was fascinated byt the sister who was jobsearching for her brother?
Oh please, the full body hugger and the Pompous Zoologist – my all time favorites.
I would love to hear how it went with Mr. “Good Thing You’re Pretty”. I was hopeful that he really wanted to learn and he got a LOT of response: https://www.askamanager.org/2014/03/when-a-coworker-missed-a-deadline-i-told-her-its-a-good-thing-shes-pretty.html
And the museum volunteer. I had bad dreams about that one!
#1 on today’s post https://www.askamanager.org/2014/11/hr-rep-demanded-to-read-through-my-email-my-manager-has-asked-for-brutally-honest-feedback-and-more.html#comments about HR barging in and reading her email. Too bizarre!
Yes, I want to know the outcome of this one, too!
Skipped to the end to post this comment (b/c need to leave home in next 10 minutes), so apologies if I’m repeating something:
I’d like to know if any coworkers are still washing all or part of themselves in the bathroom sink. In a perfect world, all workplaces would accommodate people whose religious or sports/health/transit (bike to work) commitments necessitate washing more than their hands during the day.
I wondered about this one today.
What ever became of poor Adam?
Yep, this is the one I came to post.
I wrote in awhile ago I need to send in my update. I keep forgetting. My update isn’t that interesting but it could be helpful :)
I would like to hear an update from the person who was interviewing engineering students for co-ops (or maybe FT) positions and wasn’t sure of the right questions to ask. OP wanted to ask technical questions but the engineering team thought it was silly. Would love to know what they ended up asking in the interview, and how the answers from the candidates they chose translated in the workplace.
Here’s another one I’d like to hear from, the woman last December who gave us this line:
“Unfortunately I have about an hour a day less than male coworker A and male coworker B because I have to get ready and make sure I’m presentable in this professional environment. This probably applies to any female — she will take more time to get ready.” (#4 in the link)
I’d like to hear an update on the boss who was traveling to work on the same train as the OP and then disappearing for hours before turning up at work and asking OP to lie about having seen him. I really want to know what he was up to in those missing hours!
I would love to know if the OP took the job, and what “We can work on that” meant!
How about “my coworker will only talk to me over g-chat?”
and https://www.askamanager.org/2014/07/my-coworker-is-arguing-with-every-decision-i-make-on-a-project-that-im-leading.html
The question about a change in commute reminded me of this one: https://www.askamanager.org/2014/06/a-parking-shortage-at-my-job-is-forcing-me-to-park-a-mile-away.html (actually, it was listed as a “you may also like” link).
I was just looking through random posts, and found this one about the coworker treating the women in his office like his assistants:
Hopefully we can get an update on that one!
And another one I just found – the OP whose sister-in-law got snippy about the OP viewing her profile on LinkedIn (#5 at the link):
(Honestly, I wouldn’t mind an update on all five of those, but that one is just begging for an update, especially with the holiday season arriving.)
Alison, this is odd, but the link to this page on the right side seems to be pointing to the HTTPS version, where all the other links I saw are HTTP. Unfortunately, the HTTPS version shows a certificate error when I first visit it (I got past it, but Chrome still complains about the certificate in the address bar).
Hmmm. I may have fixed it. Would you mind clearing your cache and then trying again?
It’s working for me now! (Oddly, though, all the other links show as just “askamanager.org”, and that one shows as “www.askamanager.org”. Still, it works – and the links that are just “askamanager.org” get redirected to “www.askamanager.org” when I click on them anyway!)