February 2015

actually useful questions to ask in informational interviews

A reader writes: You’ve written before about how NOT to behave in an informational interview (i.e. use it to try to get a job), but I wonder what you recommend to get the most out of them when you’re approaching the meeting with the proper mindset. I’m about six months away from getting a masters […]

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resisting delegating work? here’s how to move more to your team

If you’re like many managers, you sometimes find yourself resisting delegating a piece of work or a responsibility to someone on your team, because you’re worried that it won’t be done well enough. But in most cases, if you give in to this impulse, you’re forfeiting the benefit of having a team, which is to […]

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did my boss throw me under a bus, or did I screw up?

A reader writes: I recently had an issue with a department that was not following through on their assignments in a way that directly impacted my work. This has been going on for a while, and I went to my boss with my concerns. He asked me for documentation on specific instances, and left it […]

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should I work for the government?

I’m throwing this one out to readers to weigh in on. A reader writes: I got an offer from a state government office in the South for a role that makes about as excited as it does nervous. Pros: the work sounds like it’s right in my wheelhouse but with opportunities to apply my skills in […]

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