June 2015

4 updates from past letter-writers

Here are four updates from people who had their questions answered here recently. 1. My assistant let us believe she has a key certification that she doesn’t actually have Since I wrote, my boss at the time (Old Boss) announced her retirement (and has since retired) and a new person (New Boss) was hired. During the […]

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what to do when a bad employee asks for a reference

Most managers love being able to give references for good employees. It feels good to help someone land a job, and to help an employer land a good worker. But what do you do if you’re asked for a reference for an employee who you can’t honestly recommend? At Inc. today, I talk about how handle […]

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open thread – June 19, 2015

It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything work-related that you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to talk to other readers. * If you submitted […]

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5,000th post

This is the 5,000th post on Ask a Manager since the site launched in 2007. When I started the site eight years ago, I thought I had about six months of posts in me, and had no idea if anyone would send in any questions. Today, the site gets 50+ questions a day, 2 million visits a […]

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internal visitors are booking up all our conference rooms

A reader writes: Our team just recently relocated to a new facility which is an open office environment, and I’m looking to get some advice on visitor space (all of the visitors are internal employees who still work at our old building). We don’t have very many visitor cube spaces, so I’m running into the […]

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how to get employees to take vacation — and why you should

When’s the last time you pushed an employee to take a vacation and meant it? Too often, managers cringe when they see employees will be out on vacation for a week – who will cover their work, what will get delayed as a result, and what about that meeting scheduled while they’re gone? But if […]

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