dealing with a lazy and difficult coworker, bringing kids to a job interview, and more by Alison Green on October 22, 2015 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Dealing with a lazy and difficult coworker I have a coworker who’s become comfortable in her job, meaning that she knows she is retiring in several years and seems to have thrown in the towel. My problem is the unprofessionalism in the office. Her job […] Read the full article →
I was left waiting for two hours at an interview by Alison Green on October 21, 2015 A reader writes: I’m a corporate recruiter. I was referred to the CEO of a small company by a former coworker who said they were hiring and that I might be the right fit for a recruiting opening they have. The CEO’s communication was via email and sporadic at best, but we scheduled time to meet […] Read the full article →
is it okay to leave work right at 5 p.m. every day? by Alison Green on October 21, 2015 A reader writes: Is it okay to leave the office right at 5 p.m.? I feel silly for asking, but more and more I feel as though it’s frowned upon to come in right at 9 and leave right at 5. I’ve been at my job for about 4 years now. In the beginning, I was […] Read the full article →
the friend who I recommended for a job in my office is secretly job-searching after just a few months by Alison Green on October 21, 2015 A reader writes: Long story short, we had an opening in the small office I work at (there’s only four of us) back in May. I approached a close friend of mine who was unhappy with his job, and who I knew had been looking for a new position for 2+ years. I explained the […] Read the full article →
my manager wants to advertise for “rock stars,” my employees aren’t volunteering for work, and more by Alison Green on October 21, 2015 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My manager wants to advertise for “rock stars” I’m a few weeks into a job where we’re recruiting developers. I’m super junior. My boss wants to “jazz up” our job descriptions–we’re a casual environment, so I softened the language to sound less formal. Cool. But […] Read the full article →
what to say if you want to walk out of a horrible interview by Alison Green on October 20, 2015 One thing I’ve noticed in years of writing this blog is that people when find themselves in terrible, ridiculous job interviews where they’re being mistreated — or even just interviews where it’s clear really early on that this isn’t the right match — they feel obligated to stick it out until the end. You’re not […] Read the full article →
my team needs better communication — where do I start? by Alison Green on October 20, 2015 Does any of this sound familiar? People on your team frequently have no idea what anyone else is working on. People are duplicating efforts without realizing it. Opportunities for efficiencies or collaboration are regularly missed. People don’t understand the value of other people’s work. Priorities aren’t aligned across your team. Information isn’t being shared. […] Read the full article →
new employee invited her spouse to an office lunch by Alison Green on October 20, 2015 A reader writes: I have an administrator who I recently hired (about a month ago) and I’m not sure how to handle this situation. We had a local vendor of ours provide lunch on a Friday to the entire company as a customer service gesture. There are approximately 400 people in our building, so they […] Read the full article →
I’m violating my job’s new tattoo policy, I’m excluded from events that male coworkers are invited to, and more by Alison Green on October 20, 2015 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Should I get coached by the person who will soon be interviewing me? I am in a situation where I know I will be contacted this week or next week by an HR representative for a job interview. I was able to get access to […] Read the full article →
I live where I work, and now there’s a haunted house next to me by Alison Green on October 19, 2015 A reader writes: Out of all of the problems I have had with my boss (yes, I am very actively job searching), I finally had to write you because I’m out of ideas. As part of my job, I am required to live at the college I work at. It’s a little unusual for my […] Read the full article →