December 2015

the worst boss of 2015 is…

We have a winner! 4,041 votes are in, and the worst boss of the year is the manager who penalized an employee for objecting to being called “baby mama,” the c-word, and other names … with 45% of the vote. Congratulations, terrible manager of the year! You suck. The five runners-up, who managed to be pretty terrible themselves: * […]

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update: our job candidates have to give “positivity presentations”

Remember the letter-writer whose company was asking internal candidates for a promotion to give presentations about how to foster positivity at work, all because of one person who’d been causing a lot of drama? Here’s the update. I wrote in a month or so back about my office’s internal hiring process, which changed to involve […]

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3 more updates from letter-writers

Here are three updates from letter-writers who had their questions answered here this year. 1. New hire is plotting a coup I spoke with my manager regarding the employee’s behavior and comments after your advice, and the coworker’s behavior was being closely monitored after my disclosure (hearsay, I guess). However, her time with us was destined to […]

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Christmas open thread – December 25-27, 2015

It’s the Christmas open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything that you want to talk about — work-related, not work-related, doesn’t matter. Due to the holiday, I’m expecting much lower commenting on this post than usual (which may make it easier to keep up with), so […]

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