December 2015

four more updates from letter-writers

Here are four updates from letter-writers who had their questions answered here this year. 1. My boss is furious after my coworker pranked her After the incident occured, the manager spoke to HR directly, but no actions were taken against my coworker. The manager cooled down and talked to my coworker as if it did […]

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is your problem employee coachable?

When an employee is struggling to produce results, managers often aren’t sure whether they should invest time in coaching the person and trying to build their skills, or whether it’s simply not the right fit. On one hand, people can and do improve their work skills all the time; on the other hand, though, some […]

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how to get info from job candidates who turn down our offers

A reader writes: I am not a jobseeker (yet), but am currently working as untrained HR personnel. There are some things my management wants to know about job candidates under two circumstances, but I’m not sure if they are okay questions to ask. I guess I just want to know what I’m doing is right […]

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how to get employees to take time off

Last week, a letter-writer asked how to take time off when there’s always work to do. This week, a manager asks a different version of that question: I have recently begun supervising a small team on a university administrative staff where employees are allowed to carry over a portion of their unused vacation time and […]

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