August 2015

my employer wants us to all endorse their services on LinkedIn, emailing an interviewer late at night, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My employer wants us to all endorse their services on LinkedIn I have a question regarding my options to resist my employer’s requests that all staff “endorse” some of their services on my personal LinkedIn profile. My company, a government contractor, is marketing some services […]

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my employee keeps sneaking out of work early

A reader writes: I’m a relatively new manager (4 months). I am coming from the position of teammate to most of the staff I manage, but they all seem to have adjusted well to my new role and respected my move from peer to manager. However, I seem to be having an issue with one […]

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I think I’m burning out — what should I do?

A reader writes: Thanks for running such a helpful blog! Your advice has helped me stay true to professional norms through a couple of toxic situations, which has both kept me sane and gotten me big kudos from management. They didn’t teach me this in college. I’m in a high-stress work situation where the organization […]

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walking in on a coworker who’s clearly procrastinating

A reader writes: I work in an office where everyone has their door closed all the time and expects you to knock if you’d like to speak to them. The wall with the door is glass, so you can see inside their office before you knock. If someone’s clearly procrastinating (e.g. online shopping, checking a […]

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