January 2016

former employee of a league I write about is harassing me

A reader writes: I’ve been working as a writer on, let’s say, teapots for a few years, and have been working hard to make my way from blogger to reporter. In the past I’ve tried to write about the Westeros Teapot League, but they were not set up to accommodate media requests, so I gave up […]

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6 casually sexist things to stop saying at work

Have you ever referred to a group of adult women at work as “girls”? Suggested to an employee that she soften her approach so she doesn’t come across as pushy? Reflexively asked only women to take notes at meetings? If so, you have a lot of company. Despite major advances in gender equality in the […]

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update: my colleague won’t stop trash-talking herself

Remember the letter-writer whose coworker kept saying she had no idea how to do her job, and who would  text our letter-writer things like, “I don’t know what he’s talking about” while her boss was talking with her? Here’s the update. I did take your advice and talk to Hank, my coworker’s boss, and let him […]

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New Year’s free-for-all – January 1, 2016

It’s the New Year’s open thread free-for-all! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything that you want to talk about — work-related, not work-related, doesn’t matter.  (This thread will be open all weekend and will serve both as the Friday work open thread and the weekend free-for-all.) * […]

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