August 2016

open thread – August 12-13, 2016

It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything work-related that you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to talk to other readers. * If you submitted […]

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interview with a budget and money coach

Lynne Somerman is a regular reader here, and she’s also a budget and money coach. I asked her if she’d do an interview here about her work, and she gracious agreed. Here’s our Q&A (and here’s her website). So you’re a budget and money coach! Tell us more about what that means — what kind of […]

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staying in touch with old coworkers, how to help a lonely boss, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Are offers to stay in touch with old coworkers really sincere? I recently resigned from my first professional job post-university. I had been there nearly five years. Upon leaving, my manager and coworkers suggested things like “come back to visit sometime,” “feel free to drop by […]

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my coworkers keep reporting my mistakes to my manager

A reader writes: My supervisor has been calling me into her office and telling me about mistakes I’ve made that she found out about from my peers who work with me. They are minor mistakes and I take full responsibility for them, but what should I say to my supervisor about being “tattled” on? I […]

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