October 2016

how do I give a reference for a terrible former manager?

A reader writes: My supervisor was recently moved out of my department and I believed she would be looking for new jobs. Lo and behold, I get an email from an out-of-state colleague saying she has applied for the director position there, and would I be able to unofficially tell him anything about her? He […]

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does updating your LinkedIn profile make it look like you’re job searching, telling your bosses there won’t be holiday gifts this year, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. We might have found a coworker’s suicide to-do list I have a second part-time job at a retail store and I am usually there only once or twice a week. I normally work with “Betty” and sometimes with “Ethel.” They both often complain of working […]

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my boss asks us to babysit a coworker with anxiety disorder

A reader writes: A few months ago my small team (less than 10 people) was assigned a new manager who is the complete opposite of our previous manager, at the direction of the next level supervisor who wanted major changes. The previous manager moved on to better things. The changes have been pretty stressful for […]

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how do I deal with my slacker coworker?

A reader writes: I am a social worker at a large hospital. I have been working here 3 months. My position is providing a specific service to hospital patients, and in theory, my team should consist of three full time staff and one part timer. As it stands, it’s only me and a coworker who […]

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what’s the etiquette for closing your office door?

A reader writes: I recently began a job I adore at a smallish company, and was very surprised to learn that I would be given my own office. I have only ever worked in cubicles before, and to be honest have no idea what to do with this newfound freedom, and how to conduct myself […]

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how to tell if you’re managing your career well … or not

How well you manage your career has an enormous impact on your day-to-day quality of life, your earning potential, and your overall happiness when it comes to work. If you want control over how your professional life goes – the jobs you get, the people you work with, and the ability to leave bad situations […]

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