October 2016

how do I tell my manager that people are gossiping behind his back?

A reader writes: I’m currently working on a project that’s comprised of about half employees and half contractors from a well-known consulting firm. I found out a while ago that my manager, “Jack,” is dating one of the contractors, “Audrey.” He didn’t tell me himself. I had lunch more than a year ago with someone […]

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5 things to do differently if you want to earn more money

Ever wonder if you could be earning more money if you handled salary negotiations and raise discussions differently? Salary is one of those things that most people feel incredibly anxious about discussing with their employer – despite how crucial it is to your every day quality of life. Here are five things that you should […]

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my manager is urging me to drop truth bombs on the CEO

A reader writes: The management team in my office met last week to decide between their top choices for promotion into a management position. Bob, one of their top candidates, recommended my name in answer to the question “who at this company do you believe would do a great job at what you do now, […]

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firing an employee after many chances, requiring employees to use vacation time for trips they win as prizes, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Letting an employee go after many chances An employee of our small company of 100 people has been moved around physically from department to department, manager to manager, and tried in various jobs that he wanted to try or jobs that managers thought he may […]

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weekend free-for-all – October 1-2, 2016

This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. (This one is truly no work and no school. If you have a work question, you can email it to me or post it in the work-related open thread on Fridays.) Book recommendation of the week: The […]

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