November 2016

my boss emails and texts me at all hours

A reader writes: I am a salaried employee. Is it ok for my boss to text me and email me all the time, even late weekends? Is it okay for him to ask me to call an hourly employee late at night to work? I answer this question — and four others — over at […]

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my coworker is threatening to lie to get our manager in trouble

A reader writes: I eat lunch with the same group every day, mainly because my best work-friend eats with them. Sometimes the others in the group are funny, sometimes just obnoxious, and today was one of the obnoxious days. One of the group, let’s call her Anne, has what I would describe as a contentious […]

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update: our volunteer group wants to get rid of a problem member

Remember the letter earlier this year from a member of a volunteer group that wanted to remove a problematic member from their leadership team? Here’s the update. Thanks so much for running our question! It was great to get so much good feedback from everyone. I have a doozy of an update for you…get ready. I’d like […]

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my boss is a micromanager

A reader writes: I have a dilemma and I’m hoping you can help me discover if I need to adjust my attitude or seek an alternative to what I’ve been experiencing of late. I recently moved into my very first salaried position in a small company. We have about 15 people in our office (but […]

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bringing a baby to work when your child care falls through

Here’s another angle on the “kids at work” questions that have come up here recently. A reader writes: I have a 14-month-old son. I returned to work from maternity leave in January after New Year’s when he was four months old. He is in daycare, and this week there was a breakout of hand, foot, […]

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does anyone actually like being a manager?

A reader writes: On a big picture level, do you think most managers actually enjoy supervising other people? I manage a small team of people who are really pretty good performers overall, but I find the routine stressors and difficult aspects of management to be so draining and anxiety-inducing. Despite this, due to my conscientiousness […]

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how to talk politics at work without being a jerk

Offices across the country are filled with political talk right now, as people digest last week’s election results and speculate on what the country can expect from the new presidential administration and Republican-controlled Congress. It’s possible to have interesting, productive political conversations with your coworkers … but it’s also possible to cross lines, cause tension […]

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