December 2016

how to appear smart in meetings

The following is an excerpt from Sarah Cooper’s new book, 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings, which I read and thought was so hilarious that I sought permission to share some of it here. Seriously, it is really funny, and it would be an excellent gift for your office holiday gift swap.   Order your […]

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going into business with my boyfriend’s family, taking an interviewer on a tour of my current company, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Going into business with my boyfriend’s family I have been with my boyfriend for six years now, and lived with him for five. I’m extremely close with his family, especially because my own family lives across the country, to the point that I’ve been invited […]

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update: an employee’s boyfriend privately asked me to give her time off … and then things got even weirder

Remember the boyfriend who contacted his girlfriend’s manager to privately ask her to give the girlfriend time off? Here’s the update from the manager: I was so grateful to have my question answered, and enjoyed the commenters so much. I did take your advice to have a conversation with her pretty quickly after she got […]

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how to handle pressure to donate money at work

A reader writes: What is your recommendation when you’re being pressured at work to contribute to a charity drive that you either don’t support or can’t afford? What if your manager is the one doing the pressuring? I received about five emails in the last two days on the subject, reporting on who has already […]

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update: my coworker wants us to call her boyfriend her “master”

Remember the letter-writer whose coworker wanted everyone to call her boyfriend her “master”? Of course you do — how could you not! Here’s the update. First I wanted to thank both you and the commenters for your feedback–it really made me (and my coworker, Sally’s direct manager), feel somewhat less bonkers. (To be clear, the […]

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my coworker acts like the food police

A reader writes: I’d like to ask some advice about what to do regarding a coworker who I think is TOTALLY crossing personal boundaries. I work in an office that’s made up primarily of women, but the issue is with this one man who will not keep his thoughts about everyone else’s food choices to […]

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my coworker is cc’ing his mother on work correspondence

A reader writes: During a recent disagreement between my coworker and me, my coworker cc’d his mother on some emails going back and forth between me, him, and our board of directors. In my last email to all of them, I asked why his mother was being cc’ed, and asked whether she was a consultant […]

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one of the most important benefits not to overlook next year

And now a break to talk about a sponsor… If you’re like a lot of people, you get a life insurance benefit through your employer. If you’re like a lot of people, you haven’t thought about it much beyond that. But often, the amount of life insurance that your employer provides wouldn’t be enough to […]

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