January 2017

my boss and coworkers all say “I love you” to each other

A reader writes: Several of my coworkers and my boss regularly say “I love you!” to each other. This makes me deeply uncomfortable. As you may have guessed, there are some underlying issues with professional boundaries which impede our effectiveness as an organization (there are lots of friendships between “levels” in the company), but I […]

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how to interview a really nervous job candidate

A reader writes: Any tips for interviewing someone who’s really, visibly nervous and isn’t able to relax as the interview progresses? I conducted an interview like this today, and I did everything I could think of to help this person relax and be herself. I was friendly, talked about myself a little to give her […]

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can you save a bad interview?

A reader writes: I had my first-ever phone interview earlier this week, and it was a total disaster. A few minutes after the appointed time, my phone rang and I answered “Hello?” to which he said “Hi Anne, this is Eugene from ABC Corp.” and then I said “Great, thanks so much for calling.” He […]

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