after an employee died, her team has driven off anyone we hire to replace her by Alison Green on March 1, 2017 A reader writes: A year ago, someone I worked with (Jane) died. She was killed by an impaired driver while crossing the street after work. Some of her colleagues witnessed it. Jane worked here for almost a decade and was well-liked. (The company has an EAP and offered paid therapy services to anyone who needs […] Read the full article →
my employees keep going to their old boss instead of coming to me by Alison Green on March 1, 2017 A reader writes: The person who formerly held my position was promoted and works right down the hall from me and the three people I supervise. Rather than come to me, the people I supervise go to their former manager with problems and questions. If she tells them something, they will do it, even if […] Read the full article →
I don’t get to go on my office’s weight loss reward cruise by Alison Green on March 1, 2017 A reader writes: I have a situation that I would like to pick your brain on if I may. I’m not sure if I’m overreacting or if this is actually a problem and is unfair. The company I work for allows managers to implement wellness programs and initiatives for their branches or departments. The company […] Read the full article →
terrible intern is our director’s son, boss wants to control our bathroom breaks, and more by Alison Green on March 1, 2017 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Our terrible intern is our director’s son One of the directors at my work who is three levels of management above my manager has brought his son on as an intern. His son has been assigned to the same department I work in, and since […] Read the full article →