I told my coworkers I didn’t want to talk about the Las Vegas attack and I got grilled by Alison Green on October 3, 2017 A reader writes: I’m a staff member at a call center. I work on a team of about 10 and we sit at bullpen-style open desks, so my teammates and I can talk to each other between our calls very easily by just standing up. Monday I woke up like everyone else to the terrible news […] Read the full article →
my boss spends all his time on the internet, I’m in the middle of a coworker’s crush, and more by Alison Green on October 3, 2017 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My new boss spends all his time on the internet I have a new manager at work (about two months into the job). The thing is, increasingly, he spends pretty much all his time browsing the internet, clearly on non-work-related sites (easily 90% of the […] Read the full article →
how do employers know if you’re answering “have you ever been fired” honestly? by Alison Green on October 2, 2017 A reader writes: I’ve always wondered how employers check if you’ve ever been fired. I know this is a common pre-screening question. It’s shown up on several job applications I’ve filled out (thankfully I’ve always been able to say no). It seems like this question is only going to catch honest people who may have […] Read the full article →
all your questions about negotiating salary, answered by Alison Green on October 2, 2017 Negotiating salary for a new job can be complicated and stressful. How do you know how much to ask for? What if you ask for too much and the employer pulls the offer? When do you even bring it up and what do you say? Here are answers to these and more common questions about […] Read the full article →
my male colleagues expect me to do the department’s admin work by Alison Green on October 2, 2017 A reader writes: I’m most junior person in my team. But I’m not an administrator. I am the youngest person and a woman in a male-dominated team. My team is very top-heavy with mainly middle managers, and we share our floor with another team who also use the printer but never restock it. I work […] Read the full article →
haircut drama, avoiding video chats with clients, and more by Alison Green on October 2, 2017 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Haircut drama is disrupting my office I’m a manager in an Human Resources department for a large company. Back in December a new employee started in our office. “Nina” wears her hair in a pixie cut. Another employee, “Mika,” got obessed with Nina’s hair. She […] Read the full article →