my employee helped a fired coworker get a job with her fiance and lied to me about it by Alison Green on April 18, 2018 A reader writes: I own a small business and a year ago hired a foreign employee on a work-holiday visa, “Meg.” While at my company, she met another employee, “Jane,” who I ended up firing a few months later due to numerous work-related issues. Knowing that the two remained friends, I did not discuss with […] Read the full article →
what should a salary negotiation sound like? by Alison Green on April 18, 2018 This week on the Ask a Manager podcast, I talk to a guest who’s wondering about salary negotiation — how to do it, what to say, and what kind of tone to use. This episode is 18 minutes long, and here’s the letter: I would really appreciate a good in-depth lesson on negotiating salaries. I […] Read the full article →
can I show armpit hair at work? by Alison Green on April 18, 2018 A reader writes: I have a strange question for you and your readers: how appropriate is body hair in professional offices? I’m a woman in my 20s who prefers to keep my underarms unshaved, though they’re tidy and unobtrusive. (I have light hair, which makes it less noticeable.) In general, I think sleeveless blouses can […] Read the full article →
employee overstepped with a coworker’s tragedy, boss told me to change my ringtone, and more by Alison Green on April 18, 2018 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My employee alienated a coworker with her opinions about his personal tragedy I’m a relatively new manager (six months in) and this is my first management job. I’m still getting the hang of things. My boss and everyone above him don’t work in this branch. […] Read the full article →
can I show annoyance with a terrible job offer that I don’t plan to take? by Alison Green on April 17, 2018 A reader writes: Is there ever a productive or reasonable way to express annoyance at a job offer you don’t intend to accept? I recently interviewed with a company for what sounded like a lower-mid-level position. The title, described duties, and reporting structure all indicated a position that would be the next step up from […] Read the full article →
am I being ageist toward my older employee? by Alison Green on April 17, 2018 A reader writes: I work at a job where I manage several remote contract workers. It’s my first time managing this many people and I really enjoy it. However, I have one person who I get periodically frustrated with, and she happens to be the oldest person I manage. She’s probably at least in her […] Read the full article →
my boss won’t stop posting fake news and false memes on our company Facebook by Alison Green on April 17, 2018 A reader writes: I work for a small charity and report directly to our founder/president. We have a contractor for our Twitter and Instagram accounts, but our president refuses to hand over our Facebook pages to anyone. Lately, he’s started posting fake news/memes. The memes are “in line” with our mission in that our mission is […] Read the full article →
my boss keeps trying to use my car, coworker says I need a makeover, and more by Alison Green on April 17, 2018 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My boss, who I live with, keeps trying to use my company car When I interviewed for a position, I was told that I would be given a car and lodging while working, since I was relocating for a short while (I’m freelance). In writing, […] Read the full article →
get a signed copy of the new Ask a Manager book by Alison Green on April 16, 2018 Thinking of getting the new Ask a Manager book, Ask a Manager: How to Navigate Clueless Colleagues, Lunch-Stealing Bosses, and the Rest of Your Life at Work? If you pre-order now, you can sign up for a free signed bookplate here. (Details are at the link, but basically you provide proof of purchase and we’ll mail you a signed […] Read the full article →
the power dynamics in job interviews will mess you up by Alison Green on April 16, 2018 One of the most frequent themes in my inbox in the decade I’ve been writing Ask a Manager has been rude and power-tripping behavior from prospective employers during the interview process. And in letter after letter, people have written about feeling obligated to suck it up and deal with it because they think their interviewers […] Read the full article →