June 2018

my employee isn’t respected by his coworkers — what can I do?

A reader writes: I was recently hired as a systems administrator and manager of a small IT department of three people, including myself. Both my reports have been with the company for several years, and are extremely knowledgeable about all of the systems here. Unfortunately, one of them seems to have much less respect from […]

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how can I avoid my boss on social media?

A reader writes: My manager has added/requested to follow me on nearly every social media channel on which she can find me, including Instagram and Snapchat. It just irks me to be constantly “in her presence” when not at work. She is a micromanager and requires lots of check-ins as it is, and I need […]

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my coworker never stops talking — and I mean NEVER

A reader writes: I need some advice on how to deal with working with a coworker that drives me absolutely insane. This lady is by far the most annoying, rude, and unprofessional person I have ever had the displeasure of working with. You know how they say if a shark stops moving they will die? […]

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I showed up for an interview on the wrong day

A reader writes: I have a job interview lined up that I’m really looking forward to. I like the organization, it’s an appropriate step up from my current job, and all that good stuff. So I did all my research and prep, took the day off work, put on my interview clothes, and headed off […]

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