June 2018

I google my coworkers — is that weird?

A reader writes: I was recently dialed into a large internal meeting. Due to a recent merger, this was my team’s first time interacting with some of the members of our sister company. In parallel, my manager (Luke), another coworker (Leia), and I were messaging in a private group IM. Luke asked Leia and me […]

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how to write a resume that doesn’t suck

No offense, but your resume probably sucks, because most people’s resumes do. That’s not surprising, since it’s hard to be good at something you might only do a handful of times over the course of your life. But do not panic! We’re going to walk through exactly how to make a resume with a minimum of […]

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is it weird to start dressing like my boss?

A reader writes: Tl;dr – Is it weird to want to dress more like my boss (and do you think she’ll notice if I do?) Okay, basically I’m so lucky in my current job. I’m a quality manager at the lowest level of management in my organization, but I love my job, I love my […]

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my coworker interrupts my work to ask why I look so serious

A reader writes: There’s a man in our office, let’s call him Jeffrey. Jeffrey works for our company but does not work for my department. We on occasion will work together, but physically he resides in our same seating space. For years, I’ve heard of and sometimes witnessed things he’s done and said that have […]

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how bad jobs warp your sense of what’s normal

Working at a dysfunctional job is terrible for all the obvious reasons: unclear expectations, unrealistic workload, tyrannical boss, toxic coworkers, or whatever might warrant the category of “dysfunctional job” in the first place. But on top of the obvious, bad jobs exact an additional price that many people don’t realize: If you stay in one long […]

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our coworker has filled the office fridge with old, moldy food and refuses to toss it

A reader writes: While you’ve spoken before about coworkers who are hoarders, we have a situation at my place of work where the office fridge/freezer are just about unusable due to one coworker’s hoarding. Over 20 people share this full-sized fridge, which makes space issues that much more annoying. Everyone forgets stuff in the fridge/freezer, […]

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intern candidate told me I’m “not with the times,” senior managers are unprepared for meetings, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Intern candidate told me I’m “not with the times” I’m one of the intern coordinators for our office, specifically to review and manage our design interns. We’ve had intern positions open for three seasons (fall, summer, spring) and we’ve had good turn out in applicants […]

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