January 2019

passive-aggressive notes at work

Take a look around any office, and you’re likely to find at least one passive-aggressive note. It might be the note someone taped above the kitchen sink, reminding you not to leave dirty dishes around, or it might be  the exasperated note on the copier, sternly reminding you to refill the paper tray rather than […]

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is this job interviewer stringing me along?

A reader writes: Almost two months ago, I applied and interviewed for a position with a company I have a real interest in working with. I did not get that job as they said they needed someone with more experience for that niche role, but they instead considered my application for another position that opened […]

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my office is requiring us to disclose all medications we take

A reader writes: I work for a small office (around 20 people) with a director who has a tendency towards micromanagement and distrust of employees — think paranoia that people are constantly trying to get out of doing “enough” work. The director recently announced a new policy requiring employees to disclose prescription and over-the-counter drugs […]

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weekend free-for-all – January 12-13, 2019

This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. (This one is truly no work and no school.) Book recommendation of the week: Severance, by Ling Ma. Alternating between flashbacks and present day, this is the story of Candace Chen, one of the few to survive after a […]

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open thread – January 11-12, 2019

Do you remember the person who wrote out “I QUIT” in cod, haddock, and tilapia? A photo of the incident has been obtained! Also, in late-breaking news, two photos of the ducks from this morning’s post have also been obtained. I don’t think there’s anything to talk about after that, but it’s still the Friday open […]

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is “I get every job I interview for” really a bragging point?

A reader writes: I keep hearing over and over from people offering job search advice that they “have gotten every job they’ve ever interviewed for.” Is that really something worth bragging about? Does it change by industry/skills needed for the job? For context, a lot of people I’ve heard this from are either entry-level/early career, […]

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my coworker keeps emailing our bosses about typos

A reader writes: How would you suggest dealing with the guy who literally emails every single higher-up he can every time he catches anyone making a typo? My boss now has to go into meetings with the big boss to account for us making typos. Ironically, this dude is literally the worst at making typos […]

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