January 2019

how to ask for more money than the stated salary range

A reader writes: I’m looking to make a career shift after 10 years at the same company — at a young age. It was my second job out of college. Thing is, it’s a place that pays very well for my industry, so it’s proving tough to find a pay increase as I move (which, […]

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how do I start a new job on the right foot?

A reader writes: I’m starting a new job in 12 days. I am leaving my current company of five years (half of my post-college career) on good terms, but it’s time to go somewhere I can grow, and frankly, make more money. My new job is a huge, national corporation, with hundreds of people in […]

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my office mate asks me 75 questions a day — literally

A reader writes: Due to renovations, I’ve been put in the same office as another employee. We work different jobs, but are technically peers in the company’s hierarchy. He is, frankly, driving me crazy. Every question that comes across his mind, he gets up and verbally asks me. Most of these are surprisingly basic questions. […]

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New Year’s free-for-all – January 1, 2019

It’s the New Year’s open thread free-for-all! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything that you want to talk about — work-related, not work-related, doesn’t matter. Tomorrow I’ll be back to my normal posting schedule. * If you submitted a question to me recently, please don’t repost it […]

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