working with anti-vaxxers, my boss is sending me ads for other jobs, and more by Alison Green on March 27, 2019 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Working with anti-vaxxers when my friend is immunocompromised I work in a science-based field, yet in our workplace of ~40 people, we have four rabid anti-vaxxers — that I know about; there could be more lying low. I work closely with one on projects, so […] Read the full article →
my boss yells for employees to come to her — over and over by Alison Green on March 26, 2019 A reader writes: My boss yells for her employees to come to her. Is this weird? We are a small team that works in an otherwise very traditional office environment. Our office is smallish (probably around 700 square feet) and each member of the staff works at standalone desks. Our boss, Jane, has her own […] Read the full article →
what to do if you’re being paid less than a male coworker by Alison Green on March 26, 2019 If you’re a woman who suspects you’re being paid less than male coworkers for the same work, you don’t need to just stew quietly. You can raise the issue with your employer and insist that your company follow the law – which says that paying men and women differently for the same work performance is […] Read the full article →
my boss asked if I felt “threatened” by a new hire when I complained about her by Alison Green on March 26, 2019 A reader writes: We recently hired a new employee in my office, who is really not working out well. She was hired in at the same job title as me about two months ago to work on the project team for which I am the lead. The longer term goal is to train this hire […] Read the full article →
my coworker was fired because of me, I sweated through my jacket at an interview, and more by Alison Green on March 26, 2019 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My coworker was fired partly because of me, but I didn’t complain about him A coworker and friend was recently fired suddenly and told that one of the reasons was his attitude towards me. Other reasons were under-performance and not meeting goals. I never complained […] Read the full article →
an employee keeps complaining to me about her boss, who I manage by Alison Green on March 25, 2019 A reader writes: I’ve been the director of my library for about two years now, and there’s one employee who I’m having a really hard time understanding how to manage. Cynthia is managed by Jessica, and I manage Jessica. Cynthia is very type A and holds people to incredibly high standards. This sometimes makes her […] Read the full article →
my coworker’s kids are disrupting our meetings by Alison Green on March 25, 2019 A reader writes: I am working with a group of parents who are organizing a charter school. As the board president, I never bring my son to board meetings, as I need to focus on the agenda. One other board member, who is also a friend, frequently brings her children to board meetings. They are […] Read the full article →
should I take a job working for my dad? by Alison Green on March 25, 2019 A reader writes: After almost a decade of working in one industry, I am totally burnt out and desperately longing for a career change. This industry is fairly difficult to get out of (very specific skillset not easily transferable to other jobs) without going back to school, which I don’t have the money for at […] Read the full article →
my coworkers want to bond over numerology, is my boss trying to thwart my raise request, and more by Alison Green on March 25, 2019 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. How can I get out of numerology at work? My team is small, we get along great, and are fairly close. The other day, my well-intentioned, very nice, and otherwise very sane coworkers got into a full discussion about all the, for lack of a […] Read the full article →
weekend free-for-all – March 23-24, 2019 by Alison Green on March 23, 2019 This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. (This one is truly no work and no school.) Book recommendation of the week: Daisy Jones and the Six, by Taylor Jenkins Reid — the fictitious oral history of a band in the 70s. It’s like the written […] Read the full article →