May 2019

how can I back out of disagreements with my boss?

A reader writes: I am looking for phrases or approaches to gracefully back out of discussions/disagreements with my boss. My boss is someone who needs to “win” and has a very competitive mindset for pretty much everything. Inevitably items will come up where we disagree, and my boss has certain words and phrases which they […]

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how to ask to resign instead of being fired

A reader writes: I’ve been put on a performance improvement plan after about eight months at my job. My manager says that she doesn’t think I have the skills to perform the job to her standards. After three months on the plan, my manager said she hasn’t seen the improvement she’s been looking for and […]

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my boss trash-talks my coworker to me

A reader writes: I graduated college last May, and I am new to the corporate world, so your podcast has helped me learn how to deal with many workplace issues that I have encountered. However, I have a pretty big issue that has been bothering me for months regarding the dynamic of my job. I […]

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I babble nervously when giving my staff feedback

A reader writes: I see in the archives that you have answered questions about dealing with nervousness as a job candidate or in conversations with higher-ups, but I am writing because I have discovered that I am kind of a nervous supervisor. Whenever I have to give any challenging feedback to someone I supervise, I […]

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is my coworker trying to sabotage me?

A reader writes: A little over a year ago, a friend asked if I could help one of her colleagues, Amanda, find a position in my region. After speaking with her, I found Amanda to be smart, capable, and very much aligned with my professional values and interests. I alerted her to several opportunities and […]

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