May 2019

update: I slept through an entire day of work

Remember the letter-writer who slept through an entire day of work? She updated a few months later to say she’d sought medical help about her fatigue. Here’s the latest update. I’ve been at my new job a year now, and 9 months since sleeping through a full day of work. That exhaustion episode turned into […]

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what conversation starters can I use at industry events?

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: My industry requires me to go to a lot of events, especially when travelling. I work in sales so it is expected that I’ll use my time to mingle with people and build relationships. The trouble is that I have NO IDEA TO WHAT TO […]

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why can’t I wear shorts to work?

A reader writes: I recently hired an entry-level employee. This is her first office/full-time job ever, so part of my job is also making sure she understands office norms. Today during our weekly check-in, we were talking about the weather getting warmer and she made a comment about needing to buy more shorts for during […]

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an employee’s husband emailed me to complain

A reader writes: Our corporate office manages several apartment complexes in other cities. One manager transferred from one complex to another when the manager position came open. Shortly thereafter, her husband emailed our boss, complaining about how his wife is treated by the company. He also said that he had not told his wife about […]

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should I tell my replacement about a cranky team member, coworkers devise bizarre solutions to simple problems, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Should resigning managers share info about team members with their replacements? I’m preparing to leave my job (by choice), and am training my newly-hired replacement at the moment. This position supervises several folks, and one of them in particular is … quirky. He is compassionate, […]

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