weekend free-for-all – June 29-30, 2019 by Alison Green on June 29, 2019 This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. (This one is truly no work and no school.) Book recommendation of the week: Chasing Cosby: The Downfall of America’s Dad, by Nicole Weisensee Egan. He’s even worse than you already knew. * I make a commission if you use […] Read the full article →
open thread – June 28-29, 2019 by Alison Green on June 28, 2019 It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything work-related that you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to talk to other readers. * If you submitted […] Read the full article →
our boss got invited to our rowdy beach weekend, cold-contacting strangers on LinkedIn, and more by Alison Green on June 28, 2019 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. One of our bosses got invited to our rowdy beach weekend I am good friends with three of my coworkers, let’s call them Billy, Goat, and Gruff. The four of us are distributed across three different teams, but we work together a lot on various […] Read the full article →
can my employer dock my time off when I work less than 40 hours if I’m salaried? by Alison Green on June 27, 2019 A reader writes: I work for a small company (fewer than five employees) in an industry where 50% of our business happens in the fourth quarter. During the months of October and November, I regularly work 70 or more hours per week, and as a salaried employee I don’t get overtime or comp time for […] Read the full article →
update: coworker complains about my tattoos by Alison Green on June 27, 2019 Remember the letter-writer whose coworker kept complaining about her tattoos? Here’s the update. So, the situation with Carol has been resolved. I actually spoke to her the same day you posted my letter; I ran into her in the break room and she started in again. I interrupted her and said, “That’s enough. I have […] Read the full article →
ask the readers: have you seen ripple effects from minimum wage increases? by Alison Green on June 27, 2019 A reader writes: I was wondering about states and cities that have increased their minimum wage and what the effects have been (both on wages across the board and on budget cuts elsewhere). I work in a state whose minimum wage is now $8.25, but will be incrementally raised until it hits $15 by 2025. […] Read the full article →
my boss wants me to hang up on elderly callers who can’t hear me, asking to work from home with a new puppy, and more by Alison Green on June 27, 2019 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My boss wants me to hang up on elderly callers who can’t hear me I work for a small not-for-profit organization which deals with a variety of clients, including the elderly, low-income, and disabled. We’re also located in an area with notoriously bad cell service. […] Read the full article →
my coworker is always dieting — do we have to accommodate her? by Alison Green on June 26, 2019 A reader writes: I have seen you suggest responses for accommodating coworkers with dietary restrictions due to health or religious needs, but what about coworkers who CHOOSE to go on diets? I have a coworker that has been willingly doing the Keto diet for the last year, and she still is insufferable about it. Anytime […] Read the full article →
what should I say to an employee who’s requesting too much time off? by Alison Green on June 26, 2019 A reader writes: I have a question about an employee who is requesting a lot of time off. This employee is considered auxiliary (works less than 20 hours per week), and her shifts are working evenings and weekends in healthcare. She typically works a regular schedule of Friday, Saturday, Sunday and a mix of evening […] Read the full article →
my employee keeps commenting on my looks by Alison Green on June 26, 2019 A reader writes: How can I best discipline/provide feedback to an employee of mine about his frequent inappropriate comments about my body/attractiveness? I’m worried about inadvertently devolving into “you think I’m hot” territory or drawing even more attention to my body, which makes me very, very uncomfortable. Some recent comments/actions include: * “You’re bringing sexy […] Read the full article →