September 2019

my employee is needy and gossipy

A reader writes: I work for a small company that’s very fast-paced. I have two reports in admin roles, Amelia and Molly. They were hired at the same time about five months ago and work in the same office (literally one room — we’re looking for a bigger space) in a different state from me […]

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my employee keeps correcting my work

A reader writes: I manage a team of eight, all of whom have worked for the company much longer than I have. One of my employees has developed the habit of editing documents that I hand out during team meetings. She uses a red pen and makes a show of doing so. These are not […]

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we’re supposed to share emotional baggage at meetings, manager calls to me whenever I pass his door, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. We’re supposed to share any emotional baggage at the start of meetings I work in higher ed. My supervisor has recently adopted a “baggage-drop” activity, where we all go around the room and share what is on our minds, mostly personal stuff, supposedly to clear our […]

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can I ask what to expect at a job interview?

A reader writes: I have a job interview next week and because I’m a new grad it’s one of many I’ve had this year. All interviewers have been wildly different in their approach, questions, and scope of inquiry. I interviewed at the public library and felt like I had undergone trivia hour: explain our mantra, […]

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our office showed a disturbing safety video, am I a mentor now, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Our office showed a disturbing safety video Warning: The following question discusses violent imagery.  Recently we were assigned our annual corporate mandatory trainings, which included a workplace safety training on what to do in case of an active shooter. I know this is something companies […]

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Labor Day open thread

It’s Labor Day! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything work-related that you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to talk to other readers. * If you submitted a question […]

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