a Valentine’s Day round-up by Alison Green on February 14, 2020 In celebration of Valentine’s Day, here’s a round-up of some past posts that involved romantic relationships — some good, some bad, and some really weird. My dad is dating my boss, and they want me to go to couples therapy with them (and the first and second updates) I ghosted my ex, and she’s about to be my new boss (and the update) My coworker wants to send flowers to all the women for Valentine’s Day My husband’s boss/our friend is sleeping with their married department head How can I convince my husband I can’t accept a job offer on his behalf? My office wants us to bring single friends to a Valentine’s Day singles mixer A possible coworker turned out to be my date’s wife If you’re thinking of asking a coworker on a date… You may also like:my husband's boss/our friend is sleeping with their married department headwhen your teenager dates your boss’s son and it goes badmost popular posts of 2018 { 94 comments }
The Original K.* February 14, 2020 at 12:08 pm Those first two were doozies! The ghosting I’ve went viral but I think the one whose abusive boss was married to her father is the worst.
Bruno Barbosa* February 17, 2020 at 8:12 am Same, someone posted it on twitter and I got hooked on the site. And advice columns in general.
Squirrel!* February 14, 2020 at 12:09 pm “How can I convince my husband I can’t accept a job offer on his behalf?” Oh goodness, I forgot about this one! I’d love to know if there was ever an update.
theelephantintheroom* February 14, 2020 at 12:34 pm Same! My husband and I work at the same company and it takes A LOT of effort to make sure we’re keeping the appropriate work boundaries. I’d feel gross just RSVPing to drinks after work on behalf of both of us, never mind ACCEPTING A JOB OFFER.
Slow Gin Lizz* February 14, 2020 at 12:36 pm I think I missed this letter, since I wasn’t an AAM reader at the time. I would also love an update on it.
EvilQueenRegina* February 14, 2020 at 4:47 pm I had also missed that one since I only discovered this site in 2013 – but I do read a lot of the archives so wondered how I missed it. I remember all those others very well though. That guy who was trying to claim that it was a UK thing to give flowers to all the women on Valentine’s Day, and lots of us Brits commenting saying “No, it’s not!”
Mama Bear* February 14, 2020 at 12:50 pm His response to her holding the line makes me think that 1. the company dodged a bullet and 2. there are huge issues with him. He hasn’t worked consistently for 8 years and then he won’t accept a job and turns it around as her problem? I hope she ran from that marriage.
TypityTypeType* February 14, 2020 at 1:32 pm I think the commenter toward the top who suspected he just didn’t want to work at all was on target. I also wonder if they’re still together.
Rusty Shackelford* February 14, 2020 at 2:15 pm If so, I hope he’s changed, because he sounded *awful.*
Hills to Die on* February 14, 2020 at 3:43 pm She didn’t need professional advice – she needed a free initial consult with a divorce attorney. OP, if you are still around, please give us an update!
Constance Lloyd* February 16, 2020 at 2:14 pm The husband in this letter reminded my of Toxic Coworker at Old Job! She started dating someone in another department (allowed per company policy) and within a month marched him into his boss’s office to demand his salary be doubled. This was his first job ever, he had only been there a few months, and he was in a PIP at the time of this conversation. It… did not go well. They both eventually quit without notice and tried to pay coworkers to pretend to be their manager for references.
AyBeeCee* February 14, 2020 at 12:11 pm I was kind of expecting the “If you’re thinking of asking a coworker on a date…” to just lead to a 120 point font “DON’T” even though I know that’s not at all Allison’s style.
KHB* February 14, 2020 at 1:14 pm Eh, a lot of people meet their significant others at work, and probably always will, despite all the potential pitfalls. So it’s useful, I think, to have some guidelines about how to navigate those pitfalls responsibly. To which I’ll add: Be really, really clear about what you’re asking – is this a casual “getting to know each other as friends/colleagues” thing, or is it a capital-d Date? The target of your affections needs to know what they’re signing up for, so that if they’re not in fact interested in dating you, they have a clear opportunity to say “no.”
Abogado Avocado* February 14, 2020 at 1:36 pm I met my husband at our then-mutual employer in the 80’s. He was in a different department and did not supervise me, although he did work on the same floor, so it was a matter of being professional at the office, even on those occasions when we disagreed about something at home. We no longer work in the same place — and haven’t since we married 30 years ago. As a lawyer, I agree: there are risks to dating at the office, particularly if you are supervising your date or vice versa (which is why many offices have disclosure policies). As a human being, I would say that we all spend so much time at work that it is natural that we would meet people we want to date there. The harder part is making sure that common sense doesn’t fly out the window when love comes in at the eyes.
New Job So Much Better* February 14, 2020 at 3:26 pm Also married to a former coworker for 30 years! We then worked together for 27, but went to different jobs after our bank merged.
Not Australian* February 14, 2020 at 4:17 pm Your first paragraph is so close to my own experience that I really had to check the date and the name to make sure I hadn’t written it – but I’m not a lawyer! In fact I had to enforce a few boundaries, because he thought it was terribly romantic to be in love with someone who worked in the same place. After a few months first he left – for another opportunity – and shortly afterwards I also ended up leaving with a health problem, so we only worked together for a brief period; however it did at least make it clear that we could spend a considerable amount of time together without rancour and made an effective problem-solving team, which gave us a good basis for the rest of our lives.
Gemma* February 17, 2020 at 5:31 pm My experience was similar! My current partner and I worked together for over a year and slowly developed feelings during that time – by the time we had that conversation it was pretty clear we both wanted to pursue a relationship. We worked in the same team and at desks next to each other. Our workplace was amazing though – we were upfront with our boss as soon as we decided to pursue something, and even though it was a complicated situation (my partner left her husband) everyone was super supportive. Given that we kind of blew boss’s mind, we were pretty reassured that we’d been dealing with it appropriately and not letting it impact our work. We ended up continuing to work together professionally for a few months while finishing up a major piece of work, and then I got tapped to go to a different area of our department. Being able to demonstrate that we were professionals who could work together positively was really important to us, so I am glad that we managed to do that! Wouldn’t have been practical or sensible in the long run, but I’m grateful it didn’t turn into a ‘one of you needs to be moved this instant’ situation.
Alton* February 14, 2020 at 1:54 pm Yeah, there are plenty of situations where it works out, but it really depends on the context and the field, and I think it’s a good practice to only do it if you’re really interested in the person and it feels right. What you don’t want to do is treat your office like Tinder.
Tau* February 15, 2020 at 4:29 am Another aspect to this is that, well… so I’m a female(-ish) software developer. The gender balance is dire; I’m the only woman on my team of 20-ish people, the only woman in my role in the company at all, etc. Although so far everyone’s been great, I’m fairly sensitive to the possibility of sexism and discrimination. I do not want my coworkers asking me out on dates because if they do, that’s a sign they’ve been looking at me through the lens of “Tau: possible romantic interest” and that’s a serious problem. I can see this potentially being different in more balanced fields, but in mine I’d have to say “just… don’t.”
Vicky Austin* February 14, 2020 at 2:40 pm My parents met at work. They both worked for our state house. However, my mother worked for the Speaker of the House and my father worked for the Attorney General; so they weren’t in the same office, neither was the other’s supervisor, and it was very rare for them to work together.
Allison* February 14, 2020 at 2:53 pm I’m not against coworkers dating by any means, I guess my advice is usually to not ask out a coworker unless you’re super close, really into them, and have been picking up on vibes that they’re into you as well. As opposed to just asking out that person you’ve spoken to a couple times because they’re attractive, seem nice, and is usually warm and polite with you when you say hi to them.
Falling Diphthong* February 14, 2020 at 4:17 pm Schrodinger’s date: Where you can’t get rejected, because you’re never clear whether or not what’s happening is a date.
Jdc* February 14, 2020 at 12:25 pm Awesome. Happy one day until chocolate isn 90% off and we can stalk up day.
Stormfeather* February 14, 2020 at 1:21 pm That was either an awesome or a really bad typo on a Valentine’s Day related post. XD (Or both. Probably both.)
Another Millenial* February 14, 2020 at 1:40 pm I stalk chocolate. Walking down the aisle like, “Hello, you.”
KoiFeeder* February 14, 2020 at 1:54 pm Catch me rollin’ out of Target with a cart filled with kitkats and Valentines Godzilla (he roars when you hug him!)
Goya de la Mancha* February 14, 2020 at 3:01 pm When chocolate calories are cut directly in correlation to the percentage off you paid
Jdc* February 14, 2020 at 7:14 pm Haha typo. Actually my phone just corrected typo to typhoon so there’s that. Hahaha
anonymous 5* February 14, 2020 at 12:29 pm OMG. The V-Day singles’ mixer idea. The comments on the original thread. The amazing transformation of lemony WTFery into a glorious, refreshing, tall glass of hilarious lemonade. I don’t remember whether I read the original, but it just made my day (and I needed it today/this week). Thank you for this roundup!! :D
Tricksie* February 14, 2020 at 2:06 pm Yes…did we ever get an update on this one? I NEED TO KNOW HOW IT WENT.
Extroverted Bean Counter* February 14, 2020 at 2:08 pm I just spent my lunch hour reading through the comments of that one – seriously quality work on behalf of everyone who signed in that day. ‘Twas a treat.
Falling Diphthong* February 14, 2020 at 4:18 pm I view that as similar to the tech companies with cereal and lunch and stuff, so people don’t have to ever stop working and eat. Someone realized they would eventually want more workers, but they didn’t want anyone to leave work, and hit on this.
Cary* February 14, 2020 at 12:31 pm Ah the ghosted ex who became your boss the gift that keeps on giving.
Starbuck* February 14, 2020 at 12:38 pm It’s definitely up there… how often do we get such a satisfying update? I do like all the nice ones where people now have good jobs, but they just don’t hit the same way a good comeuppance does.
Rockin Takin* February 14, 2020 at 12:54 pm My friend’s boyfriend (who we later found out was actually her husband…long story short he made her lie to everyone and not tell people they were married) left a note and some money on the kitchen counter and then bailed back to his home country. He was my husband’s best friend, and we were all shocked and had no idea the boyfriend was planning this. The upset and hurt it caused everyone, especially my friend, was massive. Even now, over a year later, I still get really mad about the whole situation. This letter affects me a lot now, after seeing something similar happen in person.
Triumphant Fox* February 14, 2020 at 2:34 pm Friend of a friend just up and left his wife and six month old son and just will not communicate. The idea of suddenly solo parenting an infant and also trying to track down a ghost of an ex sounds so exhausting I’m drooping in my seat just thinking about it.
Fake Old Converse Shoes (not in the US)* February 14, 2020 at 4:49 pm Back at school I had a friend whose “progenitor” ran away to his home country when her mother told him she was pregnant… with triplets. The guy never came back or saw them, only sent them money. She hated him so much she wanted to take her mother’s lastname.
krysb* February 14, 2020 at 2:08 pm That one and the employee quit because her boss wanted her to work through her graduation are my all time favorites.
Slow Gin Lizz* February 14, 2020 at 12:32 pm We were blessed with two good updates on the first letter but I really want to know: are Jill and Dad still together?? Does Jill still work at the foundation?? OP, I hope you are happy in your program and delivering lots of babies now. Your quitting that job was brave and amazing and I salute you!
Shhhh* February 14, 2020 at 12:38 pm Oh lord, I had never seen “A possible coworker turned out to be my date’s wife” before. I…what…what did I just read LW, wherever you are, I really hope you didn’t take the job and never heard from that couple again
Jennifer* February 14, 2020 at 12:44 pm I feel like I need a flow chart to understand all that’s going on there. The OP’s first mistake was continuing the correspondence with the wife anyway. But nothing she can do about that now. If she had walked away from the beginning maybe it would have been less awkward had she gotten the job. But unless she was absolutely desperate, I hope she removed herself from consideration for that role.
RivetingRosie* February 14, 2020 at 1:56 pm Rereading that one, I got the feeling it could’ve been the husband emailing her pretending to be the wife. Anyone else get that vibe?
Jennifer* February 14, 2020 at 2:11 pm Wow, I didn’t think of that but you’re right. Many of the things the “wife” said just seem odd. A wife that’s so adamant about defending her cheating husband and trying to get him and the mistress back together? Stranger things have happened but very odd.
RabbitRabbit* February 14, 2020 at 2:12 pm Same here. Husband totally wanted to continue on the down-low.
NotAnotherManager!* February 14, 2020 at 2:44 pm I had not seen that one before either and O.M.G. I just kept reading and thinking, “Oh, no! Stop! Don’t communicate with either of them anymore!”
EvilQueenRegina* February 14, 2020 at 5:06 pm She updated – she did take the job. https://www.askamanager.org/2013/12/update-a-possible-coworker-turned-out-to-be-my-dates-wife.html
Clementine* February 14, 2020 at 11:03 pm That’s good she didn’t take all the advice to give up on this job opportunity.
LunaLena* February 14, 2020 at 5:46 pm My first impression was that Mr. and Mrs. Dancer were looking for a third to add to their bedroom activities, but didn’t know how and were therefore going about it in a very clumsy and off-putting way.
Jaybeetee* February 14, 2020 at 12:46 pm Soooo that lady whose husband wanted her to accept a job offer on his behalf. I’d love an update. Are they even still together? Is he still unemployed?
anonanna* February 14, 2020 at 12:51 pm OH MY GOSH, THE GHOSTING LETTER. We need an update to the update. Did he ever find another job/social acceptance/the realization that he was really in the wrong with how he treated her??
Anonariffic* February 14, 2020 at 3:31 pm Seriously, I’m picturing her coming home that day to the empty apartment with no warning and how do you even react to that?? What runs through your mind?? The only (incredibly distant) comparison I can think of is when you’re watching the beginning of a movie that you haven’t heard of before and you’re trying to figure out the genre is and what’s going on- okay, missing boyfriend, is this a cop drama with a kidnapping plot or a sci-fi alien abduction scenario? If he left on his own, are we talking Lifetime-style abandoning in favor of his secret other family, spontaneously leaving on a spiritual quest to Go Find Himself in the woods, or psychological horror where he’s trying to make her think she’s losing her mind about someone who was never there? Taken by a crazy serial killer? Spy called back to their home country? Vanished into witness protection? Joined a cult? Con artist gone on the run? Except it’s not a movie that she randomly pulled off the on demand suggestion list because there’s nothing else on, this was her actual life and it’s horrifying.
Lynn Whitehat* February 15, 2020 at 12:34 am My grandfather left my grandmother this way, with four young children. It left scars that last to the present day. It is a messed-up thing to do.
Parenthetically* February 15, 2020 at 2:31 pm The ONLY reason I want to hear from that guy is if he comes back saying, “I’ve actually been in therapy since my last update and I have come to see myself and my actions in a completely different light, and will no longer offer any minimization or justification for what I did. I realize that I was a pro at shifting responsibility to others for my irresponsibility and unwillingness to deal with consequences for my actions, and I learned the hard way through that situation that blowing up my and other people’s lives whenever something happened that I didn’t like was a terrible way to go through life.”
That Girl from Quinn's House* February 14, 2020 at 1:01 pm Is that singles’ mixer letter real? Because that was also an episode of The Office (season 5 episode 18, Blood Drive.) Michael is sad about being single on Valentine’s Day and is hoping to find the lady who was next to him in the Bloodmobile just before he passed out, so he hosts a singles’ mixer in the conference room at Dunder Mifflin.
Singles mixer OP* February 14, 2020 at 4:49 pm Unfortunately, yes, it was real. And I picked the office-themed names because it also reminded me of that episode! I didn’t end up going but the coworkers who did said it was weird and boring. I left that job a couple years ago, but my former coworkers and I still laugh about how misguided and weird that event was.
Elizabeth West* February 14, 2020 at 1:25 pm I know a lot of people meet their SOs at work, but that way lies madness. It’s happened to me twice; however, I am so unlucky in love I can’t risk sh*tting where I eat ever again. I can’t afford to lose or have to quit a job over a dude no matter how hot he is. It’s hard enough for me to find employment as it is. The only exception I can think of would be if I were actually marrying someone I didn’t work with and moving away.
Elenia* February 14, 2020 at 2:34 pm I don’t know why this is so easy for me, but I’ve never fallen for anyone at work. I mean I’ve certainly noticed people are hotties, but then they forget to staple the TPS report correctly AGAIN, making more work for me and my team, and then I’m just annoyed so they are not hot anymore. My previous boss was really really hot and all it did for me was at least make me feel like if I had to listen to his BS, at least he was easy on the eyes!
Fake Old Converse Shoes (not in the US)* February 14, 2020 at 5:19 pm A member of our contracted team in Canada looks like Ian Bostrige’s lost twin. But his team screws up so much and so often I can’t feel anything but sorry for him. (No pun intended)
Marny* February 14, 2020 at 1:58 pm I’m so sad there aren’t updates to all of these!! I want to know what happened with the ballroom dancers and the wife with the husband who won’t accept his own job offer!
Pinkie Pie Works Hard* February 14, 2020 at 2:05 pm Please please please could we get a full update from the Valentine’s Mixer? OP, we’re all waiting for you to report back on that madness!
jiminy_cricket* February 20, 2020 at 12:02 pm She commented above! Singles mixer OP* February 14, 2020 at 4:49 pm Unfortunately, yes, it was real. And I picked the office-themed names because it also reminded me of that episode! I didn’t end up going but the coworkers who did said it was weird and boring. I left that job a couple years ago, but my former coworkers and I still laugh about how misguided and weird that event was.
Hapless Bureaucrat* February 14, 2020 at 2:19 pm Wow. That was a quality archive dive and I want updates on ALL of them.
Polaris* February 14, 2020 at 2:49 pm I read the singles mixer link and really wish I could be the queer fly on the wall at that disaster.
Goya de la Mancha* February 14, 2020 at 3:02 pm Offda! I had not read the cheating date one before! NUTSO!
Bunny Girl* February 14, 2020 at 3:02 pm Did anyone see that episode of Better Off Ted where the company tried to match single employee’s based on their genetics so they would make healthier children and save the company health insurance costs? Yeah it kind of read like that single mixer letter.
Bunny Girl* February 14, 2020 at 4:17 pm Me too! I was so sad it didn’t go on longer. I thought it was hilarious.
Lily* February 14, 2020 at 4:21 pm It truly was a great show. Highly quotable/reference-able. Jabberwocky!
Quill* February 14, 2020 at 3:37 pm Going into the second one: Don’t ask out the temps or contractors, there’s a power imbalance regardless of your relative positions! Source: The one time every unmarried woman between the ages of 25 and 35 got asked out by that one guy eventually.
Filosofickle* February 14, 2020 at 5:14 pm Most of the time but I wouldn’t say always. (Then again, I wouldn’t say “always” or “never” to much.) When I was 22 I was a temp in the front office and dated a guy in the warehouse for the few months I was there, and a few months after. Even in hindsight, I don’t see a power imbalance in that situation. We were both young and junior. It was fine.
windsofwinter* February 14, 2020 at 3:42 pm Dude who ABANDONED his live in partner (“ghosted” my arse) is honestly one of the most shocking and memorable letters in AAM history. Maybe even in Internet history.
Goliath Corp.* February 14, 2020 at 4:55 pm Ooh this was a fun round-up. When I was an intern/assistant in my first professional job, I was pursued by someone 10 years older than me who directed a different department. I was very naive and flattered, and thought it would be okay because the company was fairly big and our work didn’t really intersect. But he stopped being interested in me as soon as I slept with him, and going to work every day after that was awful. I’m farther along in my career now and I’m so fucking sick of these cliche old dudes pursuing the interns.
Anon attorney* February 14, 2020 at 7:49 pm Timely. I’ve got a work crush the size of Arizona just now. I was half thinking about confessing, mostly in the hope it would kill it, but this has reminded me what a no good, very bad idea that is, no matter how damn hot he is (and he is – being kind as well as smart will always get me in the feels). Thanks forkeeping me out of HR, Alison!
Close Bracket* February 17, 2020 at 1:25 pm I was half thinking about confessing Noooooooooo… Telling the object of your inappropriate feelings never works out well. To anyone else who thinks they just have to tell the person … No. You do not.
Princesa Zelda* February 15, 2020 at 1:19 pm Not on the list, but I’m still worried about the guy who found out his boyfriend was his boss’s husband. I hope he’s doing well.