March 2020

why people stay in jobs where they’re miserable

I get a ton of letters from people who are miserable in their jobs – but much of the time, they’re not asking me about how to leave. They’re asking about how to stay sane while they’re there – how to deal with a boss who yells or threatens their job every week, or how […]

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how to successfully manage mental illness at work

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: This past month, I’ve been experiencing a flare up of chronic mental illnesses (predominantly PTSD/associated anxiety and an eating disorder). I’ve been managing relatively well, all things considered, but it would really help to hear from folks who have successfully managed mental illness at work. […]

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my coworker had an affair with my wife

A reader writes: A few months ago, I found out my wife was having an affair with one of my teammates. I reported the incident to my boss, who then reported it to their boss. I was allowed to work from home for a week following the reporting to allow time for the teammate to […]

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how do I handle lunch with my boss?

A reader writes: I am in the second real job of my career. It’s a great job with coworkers who respect each other, unlike my previous job, which was a place where everyone screamed all the time and the staff was underpaid and monitored by camera by the owner. Several times a month, I am […]

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