my employee keeps telling me what to do by Alison Green on April 13, 2020 A reader writes: My employee is a wonderful person, conscientious and careful with her work. We get along very well, but there is something that is driving me crazy: she regularly gives me instructions as to how to proceed on tasks for which I neither ask nor need advice. I’ll go to the shredder and […] Read the full article →
working from home is driving me nuts – can I take a break? by Alison Green on April 13, 2020 A reader writes: I’m a full-time copywriter, and I am fortunate enough to be able to work from home during these times. My company has been clear and generous with us about our work and our job security. I’ve been working from home for the past three weeks, and probably will continue to do so […] Read the full article →
anxious employee wants daily reassurance, faking an application for unemployment, and more by Alison Green on April 13, 2020 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My anxious employee wants daily reassurance I manage a small team, including one employee who joined it two weeks before we had to start working from home because of COVID-19. This is her first time doing the kind of work that we do, and training […] Read the full article →
weekend free-for-all – April 11-12, 2020 by Alison Green on April 11, 2020 This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. (This one is truly no work and no school.) Book recommendation of the week: The Signature of All Things, by Elizabeth Gilbert. It’s the story of a woman born in 1800 to a wealthy family, and I have […] Read the full article →
open thread – April 10-11, 2020 by Alison Green on April 10, 2020 It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything work-related that you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to talk to other readers. * If you submitted […] Read the full article →
my coworker insults me when I ask questions, talking to my boss about ADHD, and more by Alison Green on April 10, 2020 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Company ordered people to quarantine, then told them to use PTO for it A few weeks ago, we were informed by a client that they were possibly exposed to COVID and were seeking a test. As a precaution, everyone who works with that client (almost […] Read the full article →
when should employers disclose food or fragrance restrictions to job candidates? by Alison Green on April 9, 2020 A reader writes: When during the interview process should an employer disclose that they have food or scent restrictions in their office? I know on the employee side you recommend waiting until you have an offer or have started the job, but as the employer when should they bring up that the office is nut-free […] Read the full article →
my resigning employee is spreading lies about me by Alison Green on April 9, 2020 A reader writes: I manage a large medical practice. One of my leads gave her notice about two weeks ago. At the time, we congratulated her because she has gone through some rough times lately and we were excited that a new job would give her a new outlook, plus a nice raise. She told […] Read the full article →
people still working outside your home: this thread is for you by Alison Green on April 9, 2020 A reader writes: Can I make a request for a thread dedicated for anyone working on the frontlines (medical or not — anyone whose job makes it possible/easier for others to stay at home) and how they’ve been handling things? All I see on the news and social media are things like “8 tips for […] Read the full article →
will employers care I’ve been venting on Twitter, I got confronted about “anonymous” feedback, and more by Alison Green on April 9, 2020 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Will future employers care that I’ve been venting on Twitter? I’m upset that companies have laid off vulnerable staff, like part-timers, interns, temps, and contract workers, and I’m venting a bit on Twitter about how unreasonable that is. Will this be seen as unprofessional or […] Read the full article →