employee says “kind of” and “you know” constantly, requiring references at the application stage, and more by Alison Green on June 10, 2020 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My employee says “kind of” and “you know” constantly I recently on-boarded a new team member who I’m very excited to have in a long needed role, “Jane.” Jane’s interviews went fabulously, with myself and other managers agreeing she was the best fit of the […] Read the full article →
should I apply for jobs I wouldn’t normally be willing to commute to? by Alison Green on June 9, 2020 A reader writes: I left my previous full-time job at the end of last year and have been doing some freelancing while I figure out what I want to do next. I’ve started applying to some full-time jobs, but nothing has come through yet. Pre-pandemic, an important consideration for me in applying for a job […] Read the full article →
our CEO’s plans for re-opening are loony and stressful by Alison Green on June 9, 2020 Two questions — one on loony re-opening plans, and one about whether getting arrested at a protest will affect you professionally. My company’s re-opening plan is a disaster Even before the start of the COVID-19 crisis, our CEO has demonstrated questionable leadership, but it has taken center stage during our new mandatory bi-weekly Zoom calls […] Read the full article →
my colleague wants to fire a domestic violence survivor by Alison Green on June 9, 2020 A reader writes: I work for a midsize office in a building that houses multiple businesses. We share reception and security, but little information flows between different businesses, as you would expect. Recently, there was a terrible incident where the ex-boyfriend of one of my reports, Sansa, got into the building by booking a job […] Read the full article →
my boss is mentoring my employee, holding doors for coworkers, and more by Alison Green on June 9, 2020 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My boss is mentoring my employee I am a director at a government agency. I’m recognized at work for being highly inclusive and engaged in the success of each person on my team. I regularly meet with my employees and coach them in real time. […] Read the full article →
when is it OK to go over someone’s head? by Alison Green on June 8, 2020 A reader writes: I’m a millennial who spent most of my life believing everyone in the working world is hyper-competent. Silly me! I do administration work at a nonprofit, and we’re currently counting on another nonprofit to give us some grant money they’ve promised us, by contract. I have been trying to get in touch […] Read the full article →
our employees won’t keep the office kitchen clean by Alison Green on June 8, 2020 A reader writes: We have a small office of 12 employees. Our company provides coffee, cereal, sandwich stuff, and snacks for the employees. We have a microwave, toaster oven, refrigerator, and dishwasher. We developed a “kitchen duty” schedule that schedules someone to provide basic housekeeping for a week on a rotating basis. This includes trash […] Read the full article →
my disgusting boss touches and chews on everything on my desk by Alison Green on June 8, 2020 A reader writes: My boss, who is a lawyer, is of the opinion that everything on my desk and in my office is his and completely fair game. It doesn’t matter if I bought it, brought it from home, or that I don’t want germs spread around the office — he thinks he can touch […] Read the full article →
employee named her dog after a coworker’s baby, a coworker who works all night, and more by Alison Green on June 8, 2020 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My employee gave her puppy the same unusual name as a coworker’s new baby A team member has just announced she’s getting a puppy and naming him Achilles, which, though an unusual name, is the same name of another team member’s baby. (“Achilles” isn’t the real name, but […] Read the full article →
weekend open thread – June 6-7, 2020 by Alison Green on June 6, 2020 This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. (This one is truly no work and no school.) Read the full article →