November 2020

I think my employee is overpaid

A reader writes: I have an employee who is overpaid for her position. I inherited this employee from a former manager who hired her two years ago. Our business revenue has declined dramatically in the past 12 months, and I know I could hire someone to do the same job for about $20,000 less per […]

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your reminder that there is much good in the world

In case you need these posts today: update: my boss wants to give me his kidney (original post here, and second update here) update: my company wants to sponsor me for a service dog, but I’m not sure I should accept (original post here and later update here) update: I don’t want my coworkers to […]

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let’s talk about kindness at work

We talked earlier about Machiavellian behavior. Now let’s talk about times at work when people have gone out of their way to do good or be kind. Please share stories of kindness at work in the comments. (It’s a weird Tuesday and I’m not doing our regular programming today.)

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