update: my boss refused to call an ambulance for an injured coworker by Alison Green on December 30, 2020 It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and all December I’m running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past. Remember the letter-writer whose boss refused to call an ambulance for an injured coworker (and who was nominated for Worst Boss of 2018)? Here’s the update. It’s been a little over two years since I wrote to you about the principal at my school who kept a teacher with a head injury hidden in her office instead of calling 911. A lot has happened to the teacher, the principal, and myself since then, so I figured I’d update you on everything. Apologies that it’s a bit long! First, the update about the injured teacher. To my knowledge, she never got the union involved, despite what everybody recommended. At the end of the school year, she was transferred to a different school within the same district. Often the principal at my school would strongly push for a teacher or staff member to be moved as a way of “punishing” them, but usually the person being moved was relieved and it was much more a reward than a punishment. The teacher is much happier at the new school than she was before. Some in the comments were saying that someone should have gone over the principal’s head and called 911 when the teacher fell, but most of us didn’t even know about the incident until later that day. We were all involved in other first day of school activities, so the principal was successful in hiding the incident from most of us initially. One of the few people who knew right away what happened was the school nurse, whom the principal bullied into silence in the moment. I’m not justifying her decision not to call 911, but the principal has a way of making your life miserable if you don’t do exactly what she wants and few people have ever stood up to her. It was a very oppressive environment to work in. Which brings me to my personal update. Shortly after my letter was printed, I had my own run in with the principal and I’m so glad I received so much great advice about bringing problems to the union because I ended up needing to do so myself. I’m still fairly early in my career and although I knew the purpose of the union, I felt that bringing an issue to the union meant I couldn’t “handle” it on my own. But things came to a head and I saw how important my union was when my husband’s company asked him to relocate to a different part of our state. We were excited because the area we would be moving to is beautiful, less congested, and the cost of living is a bit lower so we had been thinking about moving there anyway. For a little personal background, I am a certified teacher in my state, but at the time my position was not one that required a teaching certificate. I was a classroom aide/support person in another teacher’s class. I was hoping to eventually get a full time teaching position but I began as an aide, as some teachers do. In my state, full time classroom teaching positions require 30 days notice when resigning because the process to hire a replacement takes a long time. Teachers who leave positions with less than 30 days notice can literally have a permanent mark on their state teaching certificate that will follow them anywhere else in the state they apply to teach, and it can stop them from getting jobs in a decent school, so it’s a big deal. However, although I am a certified teacher, the aide position I was holding at the time did NOT require the extended 30 days notice period, only the standard 2 weeks. When I brought my official resignation to the principal, she erroneously replied that even though my position doesn’t require 30 days notice, because I’m a certified teacher, she was going to hold me to the 30 day notice period. She informed me that she would not “release” me from my job until X date, which was 30 days from the day of my resignation. Basically she was holding me to a higher standard than my position required because I was certified beyond what my position required. She concluded the meeting by threatening to report me to the state if I didn’t comply with her (made up) rules. I smiled politely and immediately left her office to call my union rep, who shared my anger at the situation. Within a few days, the principal was contacted by our union lawyer who informed her that she cannot enforce the 30 day notice period on me. The principal insisted it was within her rights to require whatever resignation period of her employees she sees fit. So my union lawyer had to go above her head to the superintendent of the school district. The lawyer called the superintendent and basically said, “I’m calling to inform you that one of your principals is attempting to block an employee in her school from resigning in a timely manner, and that the union will have to escalate the matter if it is not dealt with properly by higher administration”. The superintendent was not happy about this; he called me personally to confirm that my last day would be the date in my resignation letter, not the date the principal was insisting on, and he wished me the best. I heard from others that he then chewed the principal out and she basically ignored me the rest of my notice period, which was fine with me! As long as I didn’t hear anything more from her about my incorrect leave date, I was happy. I’m glad I didn’t let her bully me into staying longer than I needed to because my husband and I were eager to make a fresh start in our new home. The only thing that worried me was if I ever needed to use that principal as a reference, because she’s definitely the type to hold a grudge. But that resolved itself a couple months later as well, because she retired at the end of the school year. I’m given to understand that the superintendent wasn’t a huge fan of her and was “encouraging” her to retire. My former coworkers report that the new school principal is much more pleasant to work with. So I can truthfully say that I have no way to get in touch with her for a reference if I’m asked in the future, but I can certainly still use some of the other teachers I worked closely with during my time at that school and I know they’ll give me excellent references. I’m so glad I wrote into AAM because the advice I received about someone else’s situation ended up being invaluable in my own situation. Thanks for reading my long update and I hope all the readers are hanging in there! 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Marillenbaum* December 30, 2020 at 12:18 am Oh my gosh, I remember this case! I am so glad that Terrible Principal is no longer in a position to bully and mistreat people. OP, I hope you are loving your new area and were able to find a full-time teaching position there!
Joan Rivers* December 30, 2020 at 12:51 pm If the SCHOOL NURSE isn’t a “mandated reporter” I can’t imagine who is, so I would not excuse her in this. We’d hope the one who knew was the nurse because she’d act.
Athena* December 30, 2020 at 1:58 pm Being a mandated reporter means she has to report child abuse and neglect. It has nothing to do with this situation.
Imtheone* December 30, 2020 at 3:07 pm The school nurse also has professional requirements, and not calling an ambulance in this case could threaten her license.
KoiFeeder* December 30, 2020 at 5:15 pm Honestly my school nurse didn’t call an ambulance when I got a concussion as a student. She never got in trouble for it, it’s probably no different here (although mine was mild, the only long-term side effect is lifelong photophobia. a lot of people have it a lot worse).
Blaise* December 30, 2020 at 12:20 am Fellow teacher here- I’m so glad you used your union!! Principals absolutely make or break a school, and I’ve learned it is ALWAYS worth it to do whatever it takes to find a great school! I hope you found an awesome one in your new town!
MommaCat* December 30, 2020 at 12:21 am Well. I guess I should come as no surprise that someone who would pull a stunt like in the first post would be a bringer of shenanigans. That said, I’m glad you’re well free of her!
MH* December 30, 2020 at 12:27 am Glad to hear of your use of the union. I hope the injured teacher is okay. I am sad that the union was not made aware of what happened.
Observer* December 30, 2020 at 1:24 am The best part of the update is that this principal is no longer working in a school. I’m also really glad to hear that you are doing well in a new place and new position.
Zombeyonce* December 30, 2020 at 2:17 pm Yes, I’m so glad that LW not only got away from the bad boss, but that the bad boss is no longer anyone’s boss!
Maggie* December 30, 2020 at 1:42 am Oof, what a tale! As a teacher currently miserable under the poor leadership of a bad principal, I really understand how being reassigned could be a gift!
Blaise* December 30, 2020 at 12:19 pm I was just in that position last year, and I can tell you getting out of there was the best decision I ever made. You don’t have to put up with being treated poorly at work, especially this year when there are job openings everywhere!!
Jaybeetee* December 30, 2020 at 1:50 am I had to just go back and reread the original on this one – for some reason I was remembering it as more of an edge case where the teacher banged her head but the principal had a lapse in judgment about how to handle it. (Of course, even if it was a milder injury, no boss should be deciding for someone else whether or when they seek medical care.) But to refresh: This teacher fell on concrete steps, badly cut thr back of her head, and was bleeding and disoriented. She wound up missing a week and a half of work and having headaches for a month. This was absolutely a hospital thing. I’m disappointed, but not surprised, based on the previous letter, that this principal apparently saw herself as queen of a tiny country with absolute authority over her subjects. I’m glad LW is somewhere better, and I’m very glad this person is no longer working. (I’ll also note that I’ve seen younger people have not-great ideas about what sorts of injuries call for ambulances or hospitals, and have made that sort of error myself – so seeing in this letter that the principal was clearly older and should have had more sense than that confirms to me just how egregiously wrong she was. Like, there are no excuses.)
KiwiApple* December 30, 2020 at 5:05 am Yes, I agree. The head was extremely lucky that there was no brain bleed or something. I remember Liam Neeson’s wife Natasha Richardson dying from a fall whilst skiing many years ago.
TechWorker* December 30, 2020 at 5:59 am The advice I’ve *always* had for this stuff is if someone has fallen badly and can’t immediately get up themselves is not to move them until a medic has been able to assess – what if she had hurt her back (?!?). This principal is a nightmare.
pleaset cheap rolls* December 30, 2020 at 11:51 am Yes. The exception is if the current location is very dangerous.
Keymaster of Gozer* December 30, 2020 at 10:00 am What I was taught at work was that if someone has banged their head and suffers any loss of consciousness or shows impaired reasoning afterwards it’s a call for 999.
Detective Amy Santiago* December 30, 2020 at 10:16 am Oof. My mom had a head injury in early November and ended up missing a month of work and having to go through vestibular therapy. They really are no joke. Even absent calling 911 for an ambulance, that teacher should have been immediately taken to the ER by someone.
Snow2003* December 30, 2020 at 9:28 pm At least allow the paramedics to assess. The principal does not have a medical degree or license, most likely. Paramedics can always decide not to transport, and a patient can refuse treatment/transport. But calling 911 takes the responsibility off your shoulders and on the professionals who know how to handle the situation.
Anongineer* December 30, 2020 at 1:53 am I’m happy this worked out well for you, and it’s good the other teacher is in a better place now and happier. Even re-reading that letter, I still get so so angry at the principal for prioritizing appearances over safety. I would have gone full lawyer, but I understand that it really was up to the teacher and that things were terrible all around. I just keep thinking of a saying my mom taught me – “I don’t wish her ill, but I certainly don’t wish her well.”
Marillenbaum* December 30, 2020 at 2:02 am That is an excellent phrase, and one I will be keeping in my back pocket from now on.
Keymaster of Gozer* December 30, 2020 at 10:02 am Dad often says: “put it this way, I’m more likely to laugh than cry if they step on an upturned plug”
AKchic* December 30, 2020 at 11:54 am “May they step barefoot on Legos for eternity”. The worst curse a person can give to another. Followed closely by “may they always find sticky jelly in their chair too late” and “may there always be fresh dog poo and cat vomit in their path before they see it”.
Casper Lives* December 30, 2020 at 2:01 am Thanks for the update! I had to reread to remember this letter. Oof, she deserved that worst boss nomination. She deserved to be fired instead of continuing out the year & resigning, even if she was pushed to resign. I’m glad that the other teacher and you found better positions, and that your old coworkers have a better work environment!
Fancy Owl* December 30, 2020 at 2:12 am Yay OP! I’m glad you got out of there and you didn’t talk yourself out of going to the union. That’s what the union is for! More generally, I’d encourage anyone in a union to pay attention and at least attend meetings. You’re paying dues for it so you might as well use it, unless you know the people in it are toxic or something. Also, if you’re in the U.S. make sure you know your Weingarten rights.
Secret Squirrel* December 30, 2020 at 8:47 am If you report an incident that affects many people at your school to your union, should they keep your name anonymous when speaking to the school about it? How does that work?
pancakes* December 30, 2020 at 9:25 am I would think it depends on both the nature of the incident and the union’s bylaws.
Stacy* December 30, 2020 at 9:41 am I’m a union rep, but processes can differ from state to state I believe. If you have an issue, bring it up with your representative. Each building should have at least one designated rep. You can talk to them and see what your options are for reporting and then decide. Bringing it up with them doesn’t mean it will automatically be reported, typically a grievance has to be filed in order for the issue to be brought with administration. Like the previous comment says, whether it’s anonymous or not may depend on your state and union. I filed a grievance on behalf of some of our building staff when there was an issue but they wanted to stay anonymous. It’s better to know what your options are and make the union aware of what’s going on at least.
B Wayne* December 30, 2020 at 6:23 am I’ve read the initial letter several times in the last couple of years and am still flabbergasted at the NURSE. Worst nurse ever to cower under the principal instead of using her medical training. Nurse should have totally overrode any orders.
Seeking Second Childhood* December 30, 2020 at 7:30 am Totally toxic workplace warps everyone’s sense of priorities. And given this principal’s record I could see threatening to fire the nurse for insubordination.
CC* December 30, 2020 at 7:56 am I wonder if the “school nurse” was not really a nurse. I know when I was in school, there were “health aides” in each school with an actual nurse who covered multiple schools. But you still colloquially referred to the it as “going to the nurse”. I could see a health aide not having as much experience & training & feeling like they could overrule the principal.
doreen* December 30, 2020 at 8:03 am I’m wondering the same thing – the nurses at my employer have no problem with telling the head of their facility that they are doing something ” because it’s my name on the license”. I’d be really surprised if a nurse with a license was more afraid of the principal than losing their license.
DiscoUkraine!* December 30, 2020 at 9:29 am Yeah, most of the nurses I know would not hesitate to tell that Principal to go pound sand while simultaneously calling 911 for the injured teacher.
Pretzelgirl* December 30, 2020 at 12:16 pm At my kids’ school our nurse is a medical assistant. She basically calls parents for an ill child, passes out meds and that’s about it. Most schools (at least in our area) don’t employ an actual RN anymore.
Marzipan Shepherdess* January 2, 2021 at 7:58 pm But most of the commenters here aren’t medical personnel, either, and they recognized right off that you do NOT take a head injury or a fall lightly! Either one could signal serious injury and neither should be neglected. That’s as basic as “don’t drink and drive” – well, duh! You don’t delay getting medical help for someone with a head injury and a fall, either. And it doesn’t take a nurse to know that !
KoiFeeder* December 30, 2020 at 5:18 pm The school nurses I’ve known have not, to the best of my knowledge and ability, been trained RNs. One was actually the secretary for one of the administrators who just also oversaw giving kids medicine and bandaids- she actually told me that she had no health training at all.
KoiFeeder* December 30, 2020 at 5:23 pm (note: the reason this came up was because we got into an argument over proper usage of my inhaler. I was right and refused to back down, and she eventually gave up with that line.)
Where’s the Orchestra?* December 30, 2020 at 11:56 pm I think at best unless you are at a private school you may these days get a CNA (Nursing assistant) if you are lucky. Schools theses days (at least the public ones in my district) just don’t have the funding for a full nurse’s salary at every school.
Cheluzal* December 30, 2020 at 7:40 am Agree. I get her fear but if the teacher died from some hemorrhage (more common than you think), she would’ve been culpable and screwed.
Toads, Beetles, Bats* December 30, 2020 at 9:40 am I have also pondered the letter several times over the past years and I also get stuck on “WTF, nurse!” I’m sure school nurses are shielded from lawsuits and such, but her actions absolutely constitute medical malpractice. But worse than that: her actions violate medical ethics up one side and down the other. I do understand the corroding influence of a toxic workplace, but a healthcare provider absolutely positively must not sink that low.
Stacy* December 30, 2020 at 9:46 am In general, school employees are shielded from lawsuits unless their actions can be considered negligent. I’m not a lawyer, but you could probably make the argument that they were negligent by moving someone with a head injury and denying proper medical care.
Stacy* December 30, 2020 at 9:50 am And this is way out of wheelhouse, legally speaking, but in my state if you accept worker’s compensation for an injury you forfeit your right to sue. You have to go through arbitration. I think maybe in cases of extreme negligence you may be able to sue?
Observer* December 30, 2020 at 9:53 am I’m not going to say WORST nurse, but yes DEFINITELY a bad call.
Ace in the Hole* December 30, 2020 at 11:51 am I agree. I understand LW’s compassion for the nurse’s decision in such a warped environment… but that is absolutely NEVER okay. My job is different in most ways, but I am also in a position where I have specialized knowledge/training about certain things that can be life-threatening if done wrong. If a person (especially one with lesser training/knowledge) told me to disregard all my training in such an obviously threatening scenario, it’s my duty and moral obligation to ignore them and act however necessary to protect the safety of vulnerable people. The nurse should have called 911. And also should have reported the principle to the supernintendent, and (depending on administrations response) reported the incident to OSHA. This is INCREDIBLY bad.
Lena Clare* December 30, 2020 at 7:13 am I am disappointed that the principal, who terrorised staff and the superintendent knew about it, was allowed to work out her professional life and then retire (presumably in relative comfort?) She should have been fired, or at the very least disciplined.
Heeryor Lunboks* December 30, 2020 at 7:31 am Principals and school administrators typically do not. Ditto managers in most (all?) other sectors.
doreen* December 30, 2020 at 8:09 am Depends- principals and administrators are unionized in my school district, superintendents are the first non-unionized level.
Heeryor Lunboks* December 30, 2020 at 9:14 am That’s why I said “typically” and “most.” There are 90,000 school principals in the US, but AFSA (which covers more than principals) has just 20,000 members.
The_artist_formerly_known_as_Anon-2* December 30, 2020 at 11:36 am Around here, principals ARE unionized but they are almost always in a different union than the teachers. When my father was a principal – he was covered by the Teamsters, while the teachers were in one of the AFL-CIO unions.
Lena Clare* December 30, 2020 at 10:23 am But that isn’t the point. Unionisation shouldn’t allow poor behaviour in a position of power.
EPLawyer* December 30, 2020 at 8:18 am I love how the Principal “banished” people to other schools like a punishment. You have displeased me now you are banished from the realm. Because of course anyone would be distraught over not working for her anymore. Some people’s sense of their own importance in other people’s lives is amazing. As for the union, I think they need to push back on the the permanent mark on your record if you leave without 30 days notice. I understand why so much notice is necessary but it gives principals and other administrators too much power. Look what happened here. What if the Superintendant hadn’t been fed up with the principal and thought she was just the bestest principal ever?
Observer* December 30, 2020 at 9:58 am The problem here was not the rule, but the fact that the Principal thought she could get away with imposing this restriction where it did not apply. I don’t think that the superintendent helped the OP because he was fed up with the principal, but because he knew that the lawyer was right and it would cost the school too much to try to defend it. And, I suspect that he was fed up with the principal because he was tired of having to deal with the stupid messes she caused.
Daisy* December 30, 2020 at 9:58 am But in this case the extra notice wasn’t necessary because she’s a teaching assistant rather than a teacher – the superintendent was pushing back on the principal’s misapplication of the rule, rather than the rule itself. I don’t think 30 days’ notice is at all unreasonable for teachers. I’m in England and here you have to give notice 2 months before the end of term.
Marzipan Shepherdess* December 30, 2020 at 10:46 am Re: Using “banishment” from that power-tripping principal’s school as “punishment” for displeasing her – what a splendid way to encourage her staff to do whatever infuriated her in order to get “banished” to another school!
TeapotNinja* December 30, 2020 at 12:39 pm Also an excellent way to guarantee the principal’s school gets the worst teachers of all.
Marzipan Shepherdess* January 2, 2021 at 8:03 pm Good point! Well, anyway, she’s out of there, her replacement is MUCH better (to paraphrase that song from “Damn Yankees”, “She’s gotta be better ’cause she can’t be worse!”) and the OP is out from under her professional thumb as well. And I really hope that the injured teacher is fully recovered going forward!
Bookworm* December 30, 2020 at 8:28 am Dang, what an update. Glad it seemed to have worked out all around, OP! Thanks for writing in! Hope you are much happier. :)
LTL* December 30, 2020 at 10:23 am Oof, I remember this letter. It’s so unfortunate that someone who acts so unsympathetically was responsible for a school full of children. But this is a great update!
Mimmy* December 30, 2020 at 10:25 am I am so happy that the Principal is no longer at that school and that the OP found a much healthier work environment. That said, I’m disappointed that there were no repercussions for how the teacher’s injury was handled. I read the above comments about how the “nurse” might have actually been more of a health aide rather than a licensed nurse. Otherwise, the principal’s decisions overriding that of the nurse makes no sense to me.
Observer* December 30, 2020 at 10:48 am It still makes no sense that the principal over-rode the nurse. But the thing is that this is not about “sensible” behavior. This was about someone flexing her power and prioritizing optics rather than sense or safety.
Anon just Here* December 30, 2020 at 11:00 am I worked for a year at a school that was similarly disfunctional and the “School Nurse” was a fresh out of her training program CNA (which stands for Certified Nurse Assistant). And yup – the dysfunction crew in charge had her terrified within a week if she did anything to upset them that she would never work in her chosen field again and would have to go back to cleaning hotel rooms – if she was lucky. Never underestimate the power of toxicity to warp your ideas of what I should do and what I shouldn’t do.
The_artist_formerly_known_as_Anon-2* December 30, 2020 at 11:12 am Mimmy – exactly. No RN – unless the principal had pictures of her in compromised positions or something, would risk her credentials and license over something like that. So she likely was an “aide”.
The_artist_formerly_known_as_Anon-2* December 30, 2020 at 10:39 am Interesting that the nurse would kowtow to such a demand. And if she were an R.N. she could have very well lost her credentials over it. I worked in a place once where the director said “before calling 911, call corporate HQ (in another state) and follow their directions..’ I stood up and said, “tell you what. If YOU have a heart attack, I’ll call HQ. Anyone else in this room, I’ll call 911. I don’t want a negligent homicide lawsuit or criminal case to hit me.” There were a lot of “ohhhh, wow, he said that?” in the room. Yeah I did. Message communicated loud and clear. And if I were asked (think about this hypothetically) in a deposition “when Louie had a seizure / skull fracture injury / etc., did you ever think of calling 911?” and you answered “I was just following orders. I called HQ in Oklahoma and left a message. Again, I was just following orders!” “Just following orders” has, historically, not been an effective defense. AND, management and HR will try to deflect blame onto employees on the line if they have to defend THEMSELVES. Do the wrong thing , in spite of their orders, and they’ll let you take the blame.
Marzipan Shepherdess* December 30, 2020 at 10:50 am This. Just this! And can you imagine the publicity that would have resulted if the nurse HAD called 911 and the principal had tried to get her fired for disobeying her (utterly irresponsible) order? That principal would have been “encouraged” to retire as soon as that story broke!
The_artist_formerly_known_as_Anon-2* December 30, 2020 at 11:20 am What usually happens in that case is that officially, the guy or gal who gave the order will forget, or even deny that such an order ever existed. “She said I ordered it? I NEVER did, so there.” The principal would never DARE to get her fired for calling 911. She’s cornered and scared. If she did, she would, to use a current expression – “release the kraken” ON HERSELF.
pleaset cheap rolls* December 30, 2020 at 11:54 am “I worked in a place once where the director said “before calling 911, call corporate HQ (in another state) and follow their directions..’” “Can you put that in writing?”
Abogado Avocado* December 30, 2020 at 10:41 am Thank you for the update and congratulations on your very happy ending! I wish you many years of enjoyable teaching and suspect that if you’re ever asked to be an administrator, this principal will be the example of the manager you don’t want to be.
Quill* December 30, 2020 at 10:54 am Teacher’s child here and your unions are important! So glad you (only?) had to deal with this principal as a matter of resignation procedure, not as someone with a head injury…
Batgirl* December 30, 2020 at 10:56 am Is there a US equivalent of the Health and Safety executive? Or different bodies which add up to the same thing? True, the HSE would have just referred the injured teacher to her union, but when she didn’t the other teachers still had a reportable concern over the seriously dodgy ‘Don’t call an ambulance, ever’ accident policy. I’m also trying to imagine how this would be entered into an accident book without someone realising that they were writing down proof of fatal incompetence. Is this something unions oversee?
Generic Name* December 30, 2020 at 11:57 am In the US, the Occupational Health and Safety Organization (OSHA) oversees workplace safety from a regulatory level, but many office/non-manufacturing type places don’t have a safety rep or safety program. I think a school district absolutely should, and they probably all do, but this principal lives by the rules she herself makes, so I’m sure she didn’t report this injury, even though it was a “reportable” injury (meaning the employee was out of work due to a work-related injury).
Ace in the Hole* December 30, 2020 at 12:16 pm The US has the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which is responsible for regulating/enforcing workplace safety. Laws vary by state, but I can tell you that in my state any policy saying not to call an ambulance would be a massive OSHA violation (unless it was some unusual circumstance, like you were a large industrial complex with on-site medics or you worked in a remote area with no phone service so you had an alternate plan for emergencies). Which is why I can almost guarantee this isn’t ACTUALLY the institutions policy… it’s one horrible control-hungry principle making up whatever she wants. Furthermore, all serious workplace accidents are required to be logged by the employer on an annual report and serious injuries (including anything that requires hospitalization) reported to OSHA within 24 hours. In other words: 1. there may or may not have been an initial safety violation that caused the teacher’s accident (for example, if steps were slippery or missing handrails). Even if there was not… 2. Preventing anyone, but especially a trained first aid/medical provider, from calling 911 in this situation was almost certainly illegal 3. The principal would have a hard time justifying why she’d done it if not to conceal a workplace injury – which is ALSO illegal 4. The principal probably didn’t report the incident properly (if at all), which is ALSO illegal 5. The principal seems to have threatened (or practiced) retaliation for employees exercising their rights and attempting to follow proper safety procedures… which is also illegal Unfortunately, many workers don’t know their rights or the resources available to them. In addition many states OSHA departments are understaffed, so they rely on employee reports to trigger investigations… but those investigations may not be thorough or timely enough to properly address the issue, and even though retaliation is illegal it’s still a real possibility. This is one of the big reasons for unionization – to give workers more power, knowledge, and security in exerting their rights. But thanks to a lot of anti-union propaganda and occasional union mismanagement many employees have an antagonistic, distant, or fearful relationship with their unions (as we see here).
Batgirl* December 30, 2020 at 12:47 pm So it sounds like a teacher in OP’s situation could report it to OSHA and it sounds like a simple investigation, even for somewhere overstretched: they would quickly realise there’s no documentation showing the accident had been properly handled by calling an ambulance (Probably not recorded at all). Group reporting could protect against retaliation and could have ousted the principal sooner. A shame that these rights are not better known.
noahwynn* December 30, 2020 at 1:02 pm OSHA does not have jurisdiction over state and local government employees, including public school employees. 26 of the 50 states have their own state OSHA plan that does cover state and local government employees. So it is a big maybe on if OSHA apply to public schools, depending on the state. If it was a private school, OSHA would certainly apply across the board. Either way, I cannot imagine a scenario where a principal refusing to call 911 turns out well for the school district or the principal if there is a bad outcome.
That’s what she said* December 30, 2020 at 11:22 am For a more unfortunate twist, read the Because I Said So blog about offending (teaching) behavior actually coming *from* the union rep teacher!
Elizabeth Bennet* December 30, 2020 at 11:32 am OP, long updates are often the best updates to read. Don’t apologize for the length!
Meyers and Briggs were not real doctors* December 30, 2020 at 6:21 pm That school nurse needs to absolutely be fired. Tell your old union, yesterday, that she did something so unethical her nursing license needs to be suspended. She was REQUIRED to help this poor teacher Immediately and she caved to ptessure from the principal. She CANNOT be trusted to provide any kind of health care to students or teachers, period. -child of an RN for 40 years in 2 states. mom is appalled. (Now that OP has moved, I assume nothing stopping her from informing the union abput it now, it may even be done anonymously! Please, this nurse absolutely cannot be trusted in a school.)
KoiFeeder* December 30, 2020 at 8:48 pm 1) I love your username 2) the aforementioned school nurse is likely not a licensed nurse, although I have no arguments about trustworthiness.
Grizabella the Glamour Cat* January 1, 2021 at 12:48 am Wow, that principal really sounds like a piece of ….. uh, work! So glad to hear she has retired, so sh will no longer be in a position to torture any more teachers, AND that the lack of a reference from her will not be problem for you going forward.