Mortification Week: the copied texts, the unamused clients, and more by Alison Green on August 10, 2021 It’s Mortification Week at AAM and all week long we’ll be revisiting ways we’ve mortified ourselves at work (pulling comments and letters from the archives). Here are 15 more mortifying stories people have shared here over the years. 1. The copied texts “So this is from the time when all of IT carried text pagers. […] Read the full article →
should I have to go to happy hours to get a promotion? by Alison Green on August 10, 2021 A reader writes: I work for a nonprofit organization. My department is a very close-knit one, with lots of talk about being “a family” and always being willing to help people out on projects even if it isn’t in our job description. I work in a very small offshoot of the larger department and my […] Read the full article →
Mortification Week: the terrible interview answer, the velvet bra, and more by Alison Green on August 10, 2021 It’s Mortification Week at AAM and all week long we’ll be revisiting ways we’ve mortified ourselves at work (pulling comments and letters from the archives). Here are 15 mortifying stories to kick off today. 1. Wrong answer “I was in my early 20′s and working with a placement agency to find that perfect job that […] Read the full article →
my friend is a bad employee, will attending an anti-gay college hurt me, and more by Alison Green on August 10, 2021 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My friend has bad judgment about work — and we work for the same company The company I work for has over 1,000 employees. I work as a manager and am in my late twenties. My friend, Bella, is a similar age and in a […] Read the full article →
the intern who took over an office, the dragon pajamas, and other stories to cringe over/revel in by Alison Green on August 9, 2021 Welcome to Mortification Week, where we’ll be talking all week about how we’ve mortified ourselves at work. To start us off, here are 17 stories people shared here in the past about work moments they now cringe over. 1. The intern’s office takeover “At an internship, I was upset that I had to hotdesk while […] Read the full article →
a senior staffer is inviting junior staff to her house for drinking parties by Alison Green on August 9, 2021 A reader writes: One of my senior staff members is going through a divorce. She’s been open about how she’s happy to be dating and even shares stories about her dates. This has started to cross the line of what is appropriate to share in the work place (lots of details and very long, drawn-out […] Read the full article →
remote jobs that aren’t really remote by Alison Green on August 9, 2021 A reader writes: I am wondering how to deal with employers posting job vacancies as remote when, in reality, they want people to work from the office. And also, what is the deal with that? A few weeks ago, I applied for a job that was advertised as remote and open to people from a […] Read the full article →
my boss says I lied about my level of experience because I took maternity leave, same-day interviews, and more by Alison Green on August 9, 2021 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My boss says I lied since I didn’t subtract maternity leave from my years of experience I was at my last position for three years. About a year into my role, my manager had insinuated I lied about my experience when applying for my position […] Read the full article →
weekend open thread – August 7-8, 2021 by Alison Green on August 7, 2021 This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. Here are the rules for the weekend posts. Book recommendation of the week: Friends Like Us, by Lauren Fox, which is about what happens to two close friends when one starts dating the other’s BFF from high school. It […] Read the full article →
open thread – August 6-7, 2021 by Alison Green on August 6, 2021 It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything work-related that you want to talk about (that includes school). If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to talk to other readers. * […] Read the full article →