February 2021

should I re-hire an employee with a bad attitude?

A reader writes: I briefly worked at a terrible company where I was brought in to help fix problems with a team that had been underperforming. Soon after I was hired, it became obvious to me that the company was a mess and I chose to move on after six months. One person on my […]

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can my job make me travel during the pandemic?

A reader writes: Can my work require me to travel during the pandemic? My work has let me know I will be expected to travel by plane to another state for a week to help someone out on a project. Typically when my company travels we are required to stay in a hotel room with […]

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can I refuse more work without a raise?

A reader writes: Is there a diplomatic way to tell my manager I won’t be taking on extra responsibilities until I’m given a promotion and raise? I have a good relationship with my management team and truly do like my job, but I also want to draw boundaries and make sure everyone’s expectations are aligned. […]

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employees who won’t wear masks should be fired

During the Capitol riots last month, as lawmakers took shelter in a small, windowless room a group of Republican legislators refused to wear masks – infuriating many of their colleagues and leading to at least eight infections among members of Congress. It’s a situation that’s being replicated in workplaces around the country, as employees are […]

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HR treats my autistic employee like he’s an incompetent child

A reader writes: I’m a newly-promoted manager and my very first hire, David, who just started a few weeks ago, recently told me he is on the autistic spectrum. (I had figured that previously during the hiring process, but it’s not like I could just diagnose him.) I approached our head of HR, Danielle, with […]

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